Thursday, February 13, 2014

Amidst this difficult environment, new items launched in the marketplace performed strongly potato

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Going green
Chrissy Stengel, director of corporate communications at Del Monte Foods, told consumer sentiment and macroeconomic factors are continued challenges for the firm and the industry.
Amidst this difficult environment, new items launched in the marketplace performed strongly potato wafers and we continued to invest in building new go-to-market potato wafers capabilities in both our pet and consumer businesses, enabling the company s future growth .
She said: In order to prepare the Modesto plant for the increase in production of peaches and the Hanford plant for processing zucchini, we will be moving potato wafers equipment from our Kingsburg facility to add the necessary capacity at the Modesto and Hanford plants. 
We have also started working potato wafers with our third-party potato wafers vendors to let them know if we will be closing out our contracts potato wafers with them or if we will be transitioning their services for use in our Modesto facility .
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