1100 Seasonal, 70 Full Time Jobs Lost Del Monte Boosts Income
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by Stephen Frank on 09/13/2013 · 61137 0 comments http%3A%2F%2Fcapoliticalnews.com%2F2013%2F09%2F13%2F1100-seasonal-70-full-time-jobs-lost-del-monte-boosts-income%2F 1100+Seasonal%2C+70+Full+Time+Jobs+Lost%E2%80%94Del+Monte+Boosts+Income 2013-09-14+03%3A14%3A32 Stephen+Frank http%3A%2F%2Fcapoliticalnews.com%2F%3Fp%3D61137 del monte history Print This Post
In large and small ways, the California Depression continues. My guess is that many of those that lost jobs were illegal aliens. But 70 full time jobs are gone, along with 1,100 and Del Monte boosts its income by almost 100%. The cost of employment is high in California. The firm built a new modern plant, more high tech and the bottom line proves it.
Yes firms are going to modernize. But as government and unions make it too expensive to hire people; computerization of business will grow more quickly. Watch when ObamaCare takes hold of the economy. The national recession could turn into a Depression.
In addition to net sales that rose by about $2.8 million, the San Francisco-based company cited lower costs for selling, general and administrative del monte history expenses “and decreased costs associated with the closure of the Kingsburg, California facility.”
Del Monte Foods credited the closure of its Kingsburg processing plant as one contributing factor to an 87.3% increase in the company’s operating income for its business quarter that ended in July.
In addition to net sales that rose by about $2.8 million, the San Francisco-based company cited lower costs for selling, general and administrative expenses “and decreased costs associated del monte history with the closure of the Kingsburg, California facility.”
The plant was built by the Kingsburg Growers Association in 1915 and purchased by Del Monte in 1922. The Kingsburg plant processed and canned cling peaches until Del Monte decided last year to move its peach operations to a newer plant in Modesto. The shutdown cost 70 full-time and 1,100 seasonal jobs.
12 days of christmas america anarchy antonio villaraigosa barack obama boondoggle chaos corruption depression del monte history economy EPA Families funny GOP great republicans humor jobs Kate Smith labor day los angeles Mackinac Center nudity Obama obama christmas carol occupy oakland occupy del monte history wall street political spoof politics recession regulation republican ronald del monte history reagan san francisco SEIU social liberalism spending the beatles the Government Can Tim Hawkins TNCR Union Dues urine testing voter fraud welfare waste welfarism
Most Popular Articles News 1 comment | posted del monte history on 04/21/2011 Editorials 0 comments | posted on 04/21/2011 Showdowns loom in CA over... : CATEGORIES Alerts Bad Policy bigotry Corruption Crime Editorials Education Environment del monte history Featured Good Policy Gov. Brown Government Spending and Taxation Government Waste Hancock health care Humor Illegal Immigration jobs Los Angeles Media Obama Pensions Personal del monte history Politics Resources Sacramento San Fran Second Amendment Social Conservatism Uncategorized Unions
PARTNER SITES Board Gives High-Speed Rail Contractor More Time and Money Christian Response Alerts Climate skeptic group works to reverse renewable energy mandates Conservative Action Alerts Dan Walters: California bullet train heading for political collision on funding DWP union sues to stop release of salaries DWP union sues to stop release of salaries DWP union sues to stop release of salaries http://www.capradio.org/187393?utm_source=feedly&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed+CapitalPublicRadioLatestNewsRSS
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by Stephen Frank on 09/13/2013 · 61137 0 comments http%3A%2F%2Fcapoliticalnews.com%2F2013%2F09%2F13%2F1100-seasonal-70-full-time-jobs-lost-del-monte-boosts-income%2F 1100+Seasonal%2C+70+Full+Time+Jobs+Lost%E2%80%94Del+Monte+Boosts+Income 2013-09-14+03%3A14%3A32 Stephen+Frank http%3A%2F%2Fcapoliticalnews.com%2F%3Fp%3D61137 del monte history Print This Post
In large and small ways, the California Depression continues. My guess is that many of those that lost jobs were illegal aliens. But 70 full time jobs are gone, along with 1,100 and Del Monte boosts its income by almost 100%. The cost of employment is high in California. The firm built a new modern plant, more high tech and the bottom line proves it.
Yes firms are going to modernize. But as government and unions make it too expensive to hire people; computerization of business will grow more quickly. Watch when ObamaCare takes hold of the economy. The national recession could turn into a Depression.
In addition to net sales that rose by about $2.8 million, the San Francisco-based company cited lower costs for selling, general and administrative del monte history expenses “and decreased costs associated with the closure of the Kingsburg, California facility.”
Del Monte Foods credited the closure of its Kingsburg processing plant as one contributing factor to an 87.3% increase in the company’s operating income for its business quarter that ended in July.
In addition to net sales that rose by about $2.8 million, the San Francisco-based company cited lower costs for selling, general and administrative expenses “and decreased costs associated del monte history with the closure of the Kingsburg, California facility.”
The plant was built by the Kingsburg Growers Association in 1915 and purchased by Del Monte in 1922. The Kingsburg plant processed and canned cling peaches until Del Monte decided last year to move its peach operations to a newer plant in Modesto. The shutdown cost 70 full-time and 1,100 seasonal jobs.
12 days of christmas america anarchy antonio villaraigosa barack obama boondoggle chaos corruption depression del monte history economy EPA Families funny GOP great republicans humor jobs Kate Smith labor day los angeles Mackinac Center nudity Obama obama christmas carol occupy oakland occupy del monte history wall street political spoof politics recession regulation republican ronald del monte history reagan san francisco SEIU social liberalism spending the beatles the Government Can Tim Hawkins TNCR Union Dues urine testing voter fraud welfare waste welfarism
Most Popular Articles News 1 comment | posted del monte history on 04/21/2011 Editorials 0 comments | posted on 04/21/2011 Showdowns loom in CA over... : CATEGORIES Alerts Bad Policy bigotry Corruption Crime Editorials Education Environment del monte history Featured Good Policy Gov. Brown Government Spending and Taxation Government Waste Hancock health care Humor Illegal Immigration jobs Los Angeles Media Obama Pensions Personal del monte history Politics Resources Sacramento San Fran Second Amendment Social Conservatism Uncategorized Unions
PARTNER SITES Board Gives High-Speed Rail Contractor More Time and Money Christian Response Alerts Climate skeptic group works to reverse renewable energy mandates Conservative Action Alerts Dan Walters: California bullet train heading for political collision on funding DWP union sues to stop release of salaries DWP union sues to stop release of salaries DWP union sues to stop release of salaries http://www.capradio.org/187393?utm_source=feedly&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed+CapitalPublicRadioLatestNewsRSS
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