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The olive branch of flowering plants, the plants wic texas locations are separated petals and dark Zytvnyan. Olive is an evergreen plant with very long lasting tree that can be understood and its meaning, while the main body of the tree, removing the his re-will continue emergencing shoot.
Olives Mediterranean and sub-Mediterranean climate compatible. Olive will have the best performance in areas with mild winters are long and summers are warm and dry. Olive severe frost sensitive, but the temperature varies during plant growth, young plants up to 9 - C and trees older than 12 - C can handle. Olives in regions with annual rainfall between 500 to 800 mm grow and produce an acceptable product. wic texas locations High moisture content, fungal and bacterial disease attacks provides reason to be planted in the sea should be avoided.
Is alkaline soils with high humus, moist soil PH and olive trees require deep soil clayey - sandy and permeable limestone with a high water table levels that cause the elusive case of flooding of relative resistance of the soil salinity than . The best soil for growing olives, loamy soils and river sediments and soils with good drainage is.
Olive tree growing wic texas locations is done in different ways such as planting seed, cuttings, grafting branches wic texas locations and seed incubation. Proliferation of different ways, most of the nuclear plant prepared for grafting rootstock and scion Khshby or semi Khshby use. Olive garden:
Before planting olive trees on the ground following operations are performed: - Land Surveying and Planning - leveling and cleaning the ground - digging deep plowing and installing irrigation systems and canals - Determination of density and dug a hole - cultivation of the first TARBIAT a three-year After the fall before planting tree planting at home, two or three years after planting seed or propagate, plant saplings in the nursery and dug them choose their track 1 to 2 cm / depth 30 to 40 cm be buried vertically. Olive trees should be planted to Nhalhayy diameter 5. Because experience has proved that this type of tree seedlings obtained better results in terms of their utilization. One year after planting olive trees in the main place where the weather wic texas locations is not too cold in the winter and then in the second half of March are attempting to prune. For this purpose, the end of the tree of 70 cm, from the surface of cut 3 to 5 cm distal stem 25 Fvqanyayn strong lateral branch, select and delete the rest of the olive tree without much resistance Knndba blue indicates that in areas with hot dry summers and preparing fruit for harvest maximum product quality, irrigation is necessary. Fertilizers affect the large amount of fruit and olive products are, why must FYM and chemical wic texas locations nitrogen annually to the tree.
Olive harvesting the fruits collected by way of preparing canned or prepared for oil is different. Olives, canned corn must be picked from the tree, but the olive oil harvest method economical not to knock on the branch or by tapping the branches of a tall tree fruit trees are separated. harvest, although this approach wic texas locations is cheaper, wic texas locations but because of the broken twigs product of the year quantity strikes.
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