As we did in yesterday we were pretty much a culture shock. I, Stefania, was created to look so come and said to all who were questioned in India it would now nothing so much strange and disgusting, but last night I thought to myself, conagra investor relations without djóks, I would just have to persevere this 10 days in India and we drullað us away.
That changed somewhat better today. Our travel conagra investor relations agent booked us in like City Walk tour of the neighborhood and it was really conagra investor relations great to explore the neighborhood and these paths with someone who knew and know so environment. Before I came to India I was told that I should not look into the eyes of small children who are begging, because otherwise it would be impossible to get rid of them. In the beginning of march I took a cool bag of four, my boom, all of a sudden was a tiny girl, probably 4-5 years back and started to jump up and try to tear off my balcony. I threw film evaporator back into the bag and stared up at the sky, really my focus to look at her, which was, however, very difficult. I would ideally take all these children and hug them and give them to eat. Thus, in retrospect, I would completely lose the power of this cool, but not paella in them. It is difficult to see all the people living on the street and no, and all the little children, disabled conagra investor relations and old that just sit all eitthversstaðar or walking around, sleeping on the pavement or rooftops. This is so far from you and shocking conagra investor relations to see. And they are everywhere.
In göngutúrnum were two Swedes in our age who have been here for a month and are working with the Swedish Embassy. We took the opportunity and spent the day with them and by day we are much safer with us here in India and would better understanding how it all works together. Indians watch Magnus fierce aðdáunaraugum is really good, often they begin to look at me, look as he dare not look back. Otherwise, I have taken up that was just very stiff back, and more often than not feel quite awkward 7-10 seconds before they look ahead. Sometimes they call something on me, but fortunately I understand not;)
In göngutúrnum got to go in and see the boys home for götustráka. Where they receive education and try to have the parents, if the boys know the address. There is thought of them and they get food and shelter. conagra investor relations They may go back on the road if they want, but must follow certain rules if they want to be the boys home. They were so happy to see us and then we danced to Gangnam style and played hand games. It was amazing to be with them and enjoy it so much, despite not speaking the same language.
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September 22, 2013
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