Sunday, March 22, 2015

We did not know what we could expect in terms of food when we came to India. It is much warned us d

We did not know what we could expect in terms of food when we came to India. It is much warned us dirty food, food tert sequences and tourist disease principle of food preservation but much to our relief principle of food preservation food is only significantly good and yet, we have been very lucky with that it has no diarrhea or so met us yet. (7,9,13)
The hardest is always trying to find out what all is that is on the menu. If one asks serve, for example. "What principle of food preservation is this?" And pointing to something called perhaps "Veg. Chowmen "on the menu, then they usually do not understand and answer instead of" One Chowmen, sir? "- principle of food preservation So wind misunderstanding on itself
And we also found Barista / Lavazza coffee shop, the Hittites "Escape to Italy" or something like that - it was the first time it was possible to get a decent cup of coffee and probably also the last time for a long time and there was a coffee addict fan happy ...
Djö .. I envy you so much more to say of filthy hotel walls and the shower over the toilet (was like the first two years I lived in rvk .. no joke) ..and coffee solvent and the risk of diarrhea each bite .. all sounds sooo nice .. much fun to see pictures of you .. like you are 'Memmingen' ..
Chose my friend principle of food preservation had two grandmothers, one Danish and the Icelandic. principle of food preservation In his first trip abroad, they gave both advice against stomach principle of food preservation illness. The Icelandic recommend taking oil, but the Danish had unfailing faith in Gammel Dansk. We took both and did not misdægurt.
If everything goes the worst I can, however, recommended the so-called "bad bad good good" principle of food preservation method. She fell in the shower in itself as one of the milk görótta drinks Ferne Branca. Óbrigðult.
UU vegetable heaven! ... Hope Adda to recover the one I sent Adda Teddy Bear just hraðpósti, tips Gunna could now fixed a this. Hope flies begin to let you be my Helga I look forward to hear from you when you go to recover !!
It may indeed be that I have received kamfíló / salmonella, but I was with antibiotics from your doctor if this did happen principle of food preservation - was 39 degrees principle of food preservation Celsius, diarrhea and vomiting - real Indverkst candy NAMM !!!
Hi Addi and Helga Gudrun wanted to send a greeting and is very fond of pictures of you! It would still remain of the view with! She was a little confused in connections and asked to see a picture of his sister Helga Adda brother! greeting of the road Back
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