Friday, March 20, 2015

We departed from Iceland early in the morning on January 16, and had come to Delhi day later after

We departed from Iceland early in the morning on January 16, and had come to Delhi day later after a 9 hour stop at Heathrow characterized by bjórdrykkju and Ludo. When we landed at the airport in New Delhi did not quite what we were created to bring us out. There were drivers everywhere screaming at us and áreytið was tremendous. On the way to the hotel we were skíthræddar. The cars run just as they find a place, whether it is on the right side or not. So when the cows are in the middle of the road bend any past since they have always the right to go where they want. We were in so much shock the first day we thought we just at the hotel until we met our group the next day.
First day we met up with our group. There were two Irish girls, one Australian girl, one Australian man and one old man from New Zealand. Group Leaders Our young Indian girl named Kartaka and it was totally awesome. In the evening we all went out to dinner together which was nice change from room service dinner on hótelinu.Þetta rosa was a good group and we were very well together food ingredients india with írslu friends. The second day we took the train to Old Delhi. At the station were security screening all had to go through, but it peeped on every other person had done nothing. This apparently was mainly used to it seems to be some security and we saw this later on very many public places. In Old Delhi Jama Masjid we looked at, the oldest Moscow Delhi Sheeshganj Gurudwara Sikh prayer is faith. We learned about faith, which is about charity and healthy food ingredients india community and got to see the house of prayer, kitchen food ingredients india and hall, but everyone can not afford food is welcome to eat for free no matter what religion or race people. What we thought was skrýtnast everyone had to take off our shoes and clean your feet in a small pool before it was taken into the house of prayer. So many people came and knelt in the pool and splash water in front of itself and in itself !!! Afternoon was free day but entumst not long in town without Kartöku. You could not see the road in the markets or enjoy the view on the multitude áreytið was tremendous. We jumped it quickly in the next tuktuk and went to the hotel. In the evening we heard a huge fuss out but then began to rain hail, approximately 10 times greater than we know. This happens surely not often, only when the temperature falls rapidly. It was created to be an avalanche in the Himalaya mountains, so we had to get unusually cold weather, especially in the evening and at night!
We took the train to the city endsnemma food ingredients india Agra. We noticed straight away what the traffic was much quieter and less people but more of a cow, camel animals, boars, monkeys and peacocks. We started to see Agra Fort. This is a huge fortress which was originally used for military purposes and was a moat for crocodiles and increase the wall all the way around with a tiger. Later this became the palace and eventually food ingredients india prison Emperor Shah Jahan for his son grabbed him power. Then we looked at the Taj Mahal, and it was Shah Jahan who had built it over the grave of his wife, to prove his love to her. Later he was buried there with her. Taj Mahal is built of white marble food ingredients india and the incredibly beautiful to see it at sunset!
The next morning we woke up very early and went ice cold bus to the village Madhogaeh. Icelandair quilts food ingredients india saved us completely! Rajasthan means the Kings area so we had to visit a lot of fortresses and palaces in the state. In the village stayed in the old royal fortress, but the owner of the structure and performance of royal is now a village manager. There are almost no tourists who travel to the village, but groups of travel as we went along. There were strict rules about dress code and that we should not teach children new habits as clever phrases or send finger because it's been avoiding the impact of tourists to the village. The people were wonderful and it was nice to see how each family specializing in such jewelry or ceramics which was then sold in the markets of Jaipur. The kids found a lot of fun to make pictures, and view so the camera, but there is not recognized to have a camera. We promise that send the pictures because they are no pictures of him.
That night we went all dressed up in Indian clothes and danced around the fortress music several men sat and played. The highlight was when húsvörðurinn food ingredients india started dancing with great empathy, a little too chic!
We spent two days in the city of Jaipur is known as pink city. We visited the palace food ingredients india in Jaipur, but his king there was neither more nor less than 12 wives and 350 hjásvæfur! Functionality they were all together in their own little community because none of them had to go out. There were also held elephants fighting and then the animals were dópuð up to make the nearest

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