Saturday, April 19, 2014

Kang Dick also discusses some of the other names that he said UFO expert who died a mysterious and

Material Open Dialogue on December 2, 2012 is derived from one of the pupils HI on Facebook. Material covered once again showed unequivocally that Hikmatul Faith is not just a regular sport but also teaches religious ideologies. For example, discussing the meaning of prostration in prayer movement and on the interpretation of the Qur'an.
He also explained about the holographic thinking coconut peeling machine in interpreting the Qur'an. Thinking clearly not the method of holographic interpretation of the text. The most important in interpreting the Arabic language skills course because the Quran is written in Arabic. It should be noted that one of the criteria of a cult by the Indonesian Ulema Council interprets the Qur'an is unfounded rules of interpretation.
Discussed about Bob Lazar associated with UFO research. If read in Wikipedia says that Bob Lazar is just an impostor who claimed to have worked in Area 51, where the American-owned secret UFO research. Originally fake school because there is no record of him. Community scientists also claimed to have never met her. Of course, for students coconut peeling machine Hikmatul Faith is hard to accept the information. coconut peeling machine For them, all the information has been manipulated by BHALLAMIN and only information of a valid primary teacher.
Lazar's credibility has been challenged after it was discovered that "schools he was supposed to have Attended had no record of him, while others in the scientific community had no memory of ever meeting him." [2] Lazar's coconut peeling machine supporters counter that Lazar's credentials and history have been sabotaged to create the very questions of credibility his critics have emphasized.
Kang Dick also discusses some of the other names that he said UFO expert who died a mysterious and possibly coconut peeling machine killed. This info is compiled by Sidney Sheldon said, but we believe coconut peeling machine actually just an article from the internet titled Many die under mysterious UFO Researchers cırcumstances coconut peeling machine which is a translation of a Russian language article. Both sites do not look credible so difficult in cross checked.
Sidney Sheldon is touted Kang Dicky write the true story of a UFO expert who was killed also in fact not fiction novelist writer of history books. Reader novel is certainly not possible to know him and his writings will recognize as a true story.
1. Announcement Origom Possible Gathering Committee gathering places that have moved into the pedestal of Field wider, because the number of participants from outside the community of HI increases, the number of participants estimasih gathering of about 5000 people, for their own ranges HI 1200 s / d 2000 Hiers, the rest from other communities Preparation latian: train and deliver results latian feel when Gathering in pengeruhi several coconut peeling machine things: CAPACITY AGENCY OF NATURAL CONDITIONS FOLLOWING INSTRUCTIONS sincerity KDZA Preparation Identity as ID cards, KTM, KTA (for students) No. ga KTP allowed in
2. Koran Most Discussed by people without producing real work, aka discourse and discourse, the action is less, Hiers would be expected from the field to help the community, such as the scarcity of fertilizers to farmers, this scarcity coconut peeling machine bertujuaan that happens dependence of farmers on fertilizer, so farmers do not have a high bargaining power of the government, its contents in tekan2 continue, hopefully later be sufficient fertilizer or even be free so that farmers coconut peeling machine have a high bargaining power because it does not depend anymore same fertilizer, there will be depot2 application of fertilizer coconut peeling machine or plant in an area that has received renspon coconut peeling machine of farmers .
3. Examples QS AL Waqiah 68: "... have you noticed that the water you drink ..." 165 base making water where the water molecules form inkhsan 6 1 5 Islamic faith (pillars) because the entire original human body prostrate to Allah
4. The symbols of Islam One of the best is the action, not by kata2, aka the real work, (as above), talks with kata2 but propaganda by action, do not preach to fellow champion aka the people, better preaching out, to other communities such as Hindu, Buddhist, coconut peeling machine Christian, coconut peeling machine as did KDZA now
6. Examples coconut peeling machine of Bob Lazar: coconut peeling machine researchers element 115 (elements that we know as "GOGONIT") are found in spacecraft that crashed on earth. The comparison of these GOGONIT is, with ukurang 1 bud lighters can only turn the spacecraft coconut peeling machine for 10,000 years without the pollution coconut peeling machine and stop, or turn on the electric city of Jakarta (forget how many years) without pause, Element 115 can create a gravitational field (shown spacecraft designs airspace, which has 3 panels), Bob Lazar was killed with one shot in the head, then shown Slide the names of researchers and scientists who were killed in the period of the near, its peak in 1987, there are several names such as: Morris K Jessup -> ASU astronomer Edward Ruppelt Prof. William Milton Cooper. Arshad Sharif Vimal Da

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