Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Turns Already Many experts Mysterious UFO and Scientists Killed, Murdered? - Report of UFO sighting

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Turns Already Many experts Mysterious UFO and Scientists Killed, Murdered? - Report of UFO sighting or UFO emerged after World War II. Starting description U.S. businessman, Kenneth Arnold saw nine objects claiming food ingredients india 2011 to fly over Mount Rainier on June 24, 1947.
Followed incident in Roswell, New Mexico on July 4, 1947 is renowned. The U.S. military alleged trigger storing bits of flying saucers and alien bodies in a secret base called Area 51. Since then, a number of people dedicate themselves to researching the UFO phenomenon. Until now no one has managed to prove it scientifically, but strange events have been reported in the "UFO researcher". A number of people doing research on UFOs in the 1970s and 1980s died mysteriously. It's food ingredients india 2011 possible they were killed. This conclusion was delivered amateur astronomer and former adviser to the U.S. government, Timothy Hood in an international conference on the search extraterrestrial beings in Amsterdam, Netherlands. Hood conclusions based on the study for 30 years on this topic. One of them is the famous food ingredients india 2011 astronomers from the U.S., Morris K. Jessup, whose book about extraterrestrial intelligent beings selling well and so bestseller. He was declared dead of suicide by opening the exhaust food ingredients india 2011 pipe, lock the car doors and start the engine. Carbon monoxide poisoning. Also Professor James Edward McDonald, who had served as head of the Institute of Atmospheric Physics of the Earth and love studying unidentified flying objects. He allegedly committed suicide by shooting himself in the head. Quoted from Pravda, Edward Ruppelt who has headed the project study unidentified objects in the sky United States food ingredients india 2011 died of heart disease at a relatively young age, 37 years. On 5 November 2011, Milton William Cooper, well-known UFO researcher who frequent accusation that the U.S. government hiding the truth about UFOs, shot dead by police at his home in Arizona. He was suffering from delusions, known to buy more weapons to form a special unit against secret government headed aliens. Before the incident, police said, the action threatens food ingredients india 2011 citizens Cooper. Police have surrounded the farm where he lives, under threat of Cooper that he would shoot anyone who entered his property. As a result a policeman seriously injured, Cooper was finally killed. Scientists also be targeted well-known novelist, Sidney Sheldon who was then finishing his novel, food ingredients india 2011 "The End of the World", was struck by a series food ingredients india 2011 of mysterious food ingredients india 2011 deaths among British experts linked the development of outer space weapons or other sophisticated weapons. He also compiled a list called "Sheldon list". Included in the list is the mysterious death of Professor Arshad Sharif. In October 1986 he allegedly committed suicide by tying mine into a tree and the other end to wrap it around food ingredients india 2011 his neck. Sharif then allegedly entered the car and step on the gas. A few days later, another professor from London, Vimal Dazibay, dropping to the Bristol Bridge. Both worked on the development of electronic weapons belonging to the British government, similar to the "Star Wars" in the United States. The number of mysterious food ingredients india 2011 deaths peaked in 1987. In January, another scientist, Avtar Singh-Guide, reported missing. Later he was pronounced deceased. In February 1987, Peter Pippel hit by a car in his garage itself. In March of the same year, David Sands committed suicide by crashing his car into a building. Still in 1987, in April, four space program died developer: Mark Wiesner hanged himself, the victim of the murder of Stuart Gooding, David Greenhalgh fell from the bridge, and Shani Warren drowning. food ingredients india 2011 In May 1987, the turn of Michael Baker was killed in a car accident. In a period that is not how long the 25 people associated with the space program died. Sidney Sheldon is preparing da

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