Thursday, February 19, 2015

About 30 percent of homeowners associations in Giurgiu could have heat in apartments starting Monda

About 30 percent of homeowners associations in Giurgiu could have heat in apartments starting Monday, November 10 said Friday at a press conference Termoelectrica Plant Director Commercial Company (SCUT) Giurgiu, Sorin Cepraga. 'Given that air temperatures began to drop and windy when we reached monte brasil installations must start Monday night so those who have debts will heat shield apartments, "he said Sorin Cepraga. SHIELD Director stressed that heat will receive only associations that have no debts to SCUT not admitted any liability as SCUT will work on gas this winter and for this had to be paid to the financial security of gas distributor. In this situation can receive heat only seven large associations of five to ten blocks monte brasil of flats and 40 associations or block scale of the approximately monte brasil 160 residents associations in the city. SHIELD director says he does not accept any negotiation or debt rescheduling for the summer monte brasil months were sufficient that it could do so. Also, it has attracted the attention of those who will benefit from the heat it is possible that Gcal price to rise by up to 60 percent. monte brasil 'When operating on coal population should be aware that the coal price rose from $ 100 to $ 250 a ton, and if officials maintain gas price increases to Gcal could be up to 60 percent compared to current price approved by City Council Giurgiu of 201 lei per Gcal, "said Sorin Cepraga. For now SCUT Giurgiu has performed supply coal and gas is ready for operation. In parallel negotiations leading company Mechel for privatization SCUT Giurgiu, negotiations could be concluded next week. Privatization SCUT is a solution agreed by local authorities because of high debt of the company that took her on the brink of bankruptcy. Only population by SCUT Giurgiu debt amounted to 9, 8 million lei last month paying population monte brasil of nearly one million lei debt. Besides the municipality and the school units have debts of around 1.5 million. : JG RI
(19 2015) 23 , 181 89 1 - 1500 - three 60- ,,. "" - BH: " "- , Art Antiquity and Law 30 400 - ,, , 120 2 . '" 25 , "

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