Thursday, February 5, 2015

Just know that consumers demanding their rights spelled out crybaby ... ..:-) Actually, if the gove

Bajaj Pulsar was Motorcycles | RamboeistBlast
Broke down the issue of BAI defection of Indonesia had already terendus of old, from many news about Bajaj logo "lost" in the Official workshop, its merger with Kawasaki monte melnick Bajaj, until the beginning of the blog last mas Iwan. When the case of the release of the official logo of Bajaj in the garage, so I asked to go straight to the head mechanic BAS Pondok Gede, servicing all motors.
The issue was influential to them penyemplak Pulsar motorcycles, many are questioning them about how to serve the service, spareparts monte melnick how, even a few of them started to advertise to sell the bike.
on the one hand, many comments that it marah2, memaki2 top lid many workshops / dealer of Bajaj Pulsar showed character and baseball whiny consumers who understand the phenomenon of business (on cooperation Kawasaki-Bajaj and about going to the emergence of alternative bengkel2 For Pulsar monte melnick and spare parts provider aternatif For Pulsar ) ... but there is a silver lining, the more excited consumers, means greater opportunities for alternative workshops and provider of alternative parts for non-run business !!
So I underline the word "crybaby", perfect for those who want to thrown to co exist with buy Pulsar (whereas the Japanese product monte melnick that has been well-known a lot) but not ready with all the conditions they face.
thanks dah in the add: D by chance monte melnick someone would ask [WTA] part pulsar / bajaj circulating in Indonesia there is how the brand anyway? then the quality is how? please explain so that consumers are not confused ....: D
Spare parts available in Norival Auto Parts and network is outstanding and goods originating from India (called Aftermarket Parts) difference monte melnick is the vendor, there is an official vendor BAJAJ which provides supply parts for assembly needs Bajaj Auto limited, as Varroc, Endurace, Minda, etc . Endurance logo examples can be encountered in our pulsar smua, varroc in the rearview, magneto ignition, spull, bsc kit / comp, Minda switch control etc. And there are also things that OEM grade quality goods equivalent to the manufacturer, but does not provide the supply needs for assembly, the price is more competitive with similar quality. There are also the following ori quality at a price much more competitive, commonly called KW, the latest information on survey results, there are also circulating barang2 made in china (still limited to the clutch plate lining and gearset). thanks
Just know that consumers demanding their rights spelled out crybaby ... ..:-) Actually, if the government and consumers are aware of Bajaj as car manufacturers can already be prosecuted monte melnick chapter monte melnick and section 2 of the other information obscurity Consumer Protection Act. The problem here is forgiving consumers R2 heck let've harmed.
disadvantaged how? still abundant spare parts anyway .. motors gitu2 also wrote, the time anyway need specialized technicians to handle the pulsar? emang can not be learned? piston motion gitu2 wrote, how the valve and camshaft gitu2 also wrote
The assumption is that if the user should literate informasi..bayangkan khan who wear the pulsar was the village and is located monte melnick in the interior where such information is difficult didapat..okelah far wrong with the willing service to a distance of 100 km at sebulan.ehh without notice tiba2 wrong cap .what ga crazy is that? going where he pitted coba..lha INFO sekali.konsumen ga same whiny? terserah..itu his rights of consumers anyway.
That there will rider Old Pulsar in marah2 in Kawasaki Beres denied service because there (who received service in Kawasaki just 200ns series). Kawasaki mechanics are guaranteed to stare, lha wong nangkanya BAI were eating, why should bear KMI sap?
Maudlin seh kaga boss, NYESEK iyaaaaaaaaa monte melnick (Weve ente kaga nyesek)
ane honest KGK nyesek lah bro ... spare parts available in abundance, for a routine service can be done by yourself anyway, workshop first acquaintance P135 time can really use, but it is his tigersyndicate Rial Hamzah, XO, etc., so why nyesek?
April 3, 2013 at 1:12 pm
Yup true. I just wearer.
ane really never serpis in public workshops, do not matter. instead mechanic said wktu ane could ask ga, "the same general motors ja, especially klo carburetor". turns bneran can. klo ane spare parts is also commonly pesen k xo and syndicate the motor.
Can join the FB group Norival Auto-Parts or to the web BAI to check network parts & 2S - Service & Spare parts are still in operation / new operating as a substitute for the official dealer who stop providing services (List perwilayah network in the form of an excel format and will continue in update - can be downloaded and shared) Thx
June 10, 2013 at 6:04 pm
the standpoint of the ordinary three-wheeler motorcycle users will vary with the expert, so all views

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