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Movie Review shop selling out of date food
by Bavner Donaldo shop selling out of date food on October 24, 2014
Jon Favreau, John Leguizamo, Bobby Cannavale, Emjay Anthony, Scarlett Johansson, Dustin Hoffman, Sofía Vergara, Oliver Platt, Amy Sedaris, Robert Downey Jr., Russell Peters, Chase Grimm, Will Schutze, Gloria Sandoval, Jose C. Hernandez, Alberto Salas, Alfredo Ortiz, Daniel Palacio, Mauricio Del Monte, shop selling out of date food Leonardo Da Nilo, Nili Fuller, Charles Lao, Benjamin Jacob, Aaron Franklin, Gary Clark Jr., Roy Choi
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Taking a story set in the world cook, became one of the film's appeal. "Chef" is a drama that tells the story of Carl Casper, how he had to get through the toughest times in his career and improve the relationship with the child.
Carl Casper, played by Jon Favreau, is a head chef who decided to quit from his workplace. It all started as a food critic named Ramsey Michael, who wrote negative comments about the description of her cooking. This forced Carl to challenge Ramsey, played by Oliver shop selling out of date food Platt, and should end up with a reality that must be accepted. shop selling out of date food It turns out all the creative efforts and innovation Carl sufficiently restricted by the owner of the restaurant, Riva, played by Dustin Hoffman. Riva think that Carl does not need to innovate, he just needs to serve food that has become a mainstay of the customers in recent years.
Feel constrained and wanted to prove his ability, it should end up with chaos. Carl was not able to hold his temper, and venting his anger at Ramsey in public. This led to the impingement terunggahnya video to Youtube and a warm conversation in cyberspace.
Carl had a boy named Percy, played by Emjay Anthony. Percy is described as a child who is less attention, visible when a broken family background. Carl had been not with Mrs. Percy, Inez. Inez, played by Sofia Vergara, an ex-wife who has been turned into a friend of Carl. Unfortunately, the figure of Carl enough prestige as seen through differences in background work that quite a contrast with Inez. He also always rejected both Inez effort that seeks to support his career.
Throughout almost 110 minutes, the film directed, composed and played by Jon Favreau will appear normal. Taking the background story of the life of the restaurant, as well as incorporate a wide variety footage cooking, just a towing allure for the audience. Somehow, Favreau who also directed the movie "Iron Man" and "Iron Man 2" is showing an ambitious effort but did not manage to show the content of the story that actually still be developed.
From the ranks of players, looks sharp enough Favreau efforts in attracting audiences. There Dustin Hoffman, Scarlett Johanson, Sofia Vergara, until Robert Downey Jr. In my opinion, just enough Hoffman managed to become a figure of antagonist that sucks. As with Vergara and Johanson, both are simply described as a muse Carl without a meaningful role and appearance. Tragically, Robert Downey appeared briefly once, only one scene, and impressed into the marketability for this movie.
Unfortunately, less Favreau explore more in this story. This film runs quite flat, with nothing appeal can make the audience to survive. shop selling out of date food The audience will not find a story full of intrigue or conflict. Ups and downs are shown in figure Carl less wear, as well as with the role of Percy were so-so only. Family problems also used spice in this movie just seems so-so alone, so it looks fine,
Maybe because my expectations were quite high when I saw this movie posters, so I take for granted after watching it. But that is quite annoying for me because of the elements of social media, such as Twitter, which is sufficient to meet this movie and
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