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Seville, the heart of one of the most beautiful Spanish provinces of Andalusia: Seville is the capital of passion. This is best illustrated by the fact that in this city lived Carmen, Don Juan and the Barber of Seville.
In Andalusia, del monte aviation wine and hope everything is possible. And, in Seville, and much more! The most important word that should be well to remember before you leave this town is "manjana" (tomorrow). Because you can not achieve today, it is best left for tomorrow. In Seville, the day begins at noon, when it's lunch time.
After the afternoon break begins life as. Then you should go into consideration of the city, in one of the local restaurants, which serve tapas from snails, rabbit, chicken and octopus flavored with garlic, grapes and olives. When it comes time for dinner, all are fed, then the only thing you need sherry, clear as a ray of the sun and the smell of the sea. When the noise stops at the restaurant, it is a time when the waiter chalk should write the fiscal accounts on a wooden table and guests begin zminuvaat del monte aviation slowly through the dark and cold streets. In Seville, there is an interesting saying that wine makes a good women when men drink. This is especially true for sherry.
The most beautiful province in Spain spans the entire width of the southern part of the Iberian Peninsula and in najsonchevata, and worst najsharenata Hispanic province, del monte aviation najzanimliva every city is Seville.
Seville is beautiful in the spring, although then awakens dormant passion. Seville del monte aviation is beautiful in summer though del monte aviation asphalt can izprzhi del monte aviation egg. It is even more beautiful in the fall, although at that time held the bloodiest fighting bull. However, Seville is undoubtedly the most beautiful city in Europe in the winter, because it is the last refuge of the sun.
Seville is the capital of passion. This is best illustrated by the fact that in this city lived Carmen, Don Juan and the Barber of Seville. A force that moves all that passion flamenco, Spanish guitar and wine. Its best flamenco clubs are located in the Barrio de Santa Cruz. The underground del monte aviation bars in this neighborhood, temperamentnata and seductive Carmen has conquered the hearts of matadors.
The old Jewish quarter has fine white houses with hidden, beautiful flower gardens. Moreover, in the nicest part of town, the oldest royal palaces Real Alcazar, katedralata Giralda (where he was allegedly buried Christopher Columbus) Archive of American Indians, noisy market square where Salvador Cervantes sat inspiration and many bars.
Selijska famous arena bullfight is glorious "Maestranza". Built from 1761 to 1881, is worth a visit even for women. The arena can accommodate 14,000 visitors, most of bullfights held Sunday evening, next to the hospital chapel (where matadors pray before fighting), there is a museum with portraits of famous matadors, posters of legendary battles, and photos of Pablo Picasso.
Andalusia is exceptional in every way, and here is more pronounced than in other places - is najsino sky, the sea is the purest, most burning sun, the music is the jolliest,
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