Horse meat scandal is no health crisis in the sense that people have become sick. However, it has evolved into a full-fledged brand crisis three known Swedish brands. For Dafgård and Findus, the crisis in the worst case can intensify a negative spiral. Ikea is the second unwelcome publicity accident shortly.
The recent horse meat scandals has given many a bad taste in your mouth. So far, no cases of disease detected as a result of it involved the flesh, but it raises serious 2 card monte questions about organized fraud and lack of control. It just does not feel good to eat one kind of animal when one thinks that eats another.
But two Swedish food producers, the crisis is a matter of life and death. Findus frozen lasagna and meatballs Dafgård 2 card monte will for the foreseeable future 2 card monte to be associated with meat cheating and dead horses. In an industry where the options for consumers are many, such a brand wreck be fatal. 2 card monte
The scandal could not be more inconvenient. Both Findus in Skåne Bjuv (with around 800 employees) and Dafgård in Västergötland Källby (around 1,000 employees) wrestled before hästköttsdebaclet with financial troubles.
Findus parent company was forced last fall to bring in new billion to reduce its indebtedness. Both companies were forced last year to lay off staff. The depressed profitability allows caterers outsource more production to subcontractors, which of course affects their control capabilities.
Matlarm about mislabelled 2 card monte ground beef, frozen berries that give vomiting disease or canned foods with high levels of bisphenol lives on in people's minds for a long time. But it's not always as concrete company name is associated so closely with a scandal that in the present case.
The latest victim is Ikea now stop all sales of meatballs, 2 card monte Wallenbergare and stuffed cabbage. Ikea's management does everything to show drive but must be desperate to have received yet another public relations failure on the neck. As recently as last fall, it was the Ikea talked away retouching of women in Saudi directory that forced the company into a public 2 card monte poodle, read more here.
Probably 2 card monte it will take a long time before the furniture giant meatball sales recover again once it resumes. But Kamprad stable furniture construction are hardly affected in the long term. There is a clear difference to Dafgård and Findus, both of which are directly responsible and more vulnerable.
But there is another point to make about the multinational, blue and yellow giants who recently got into trouble trademark. Clothing giant H & M has of course been criticized for not taking responsibility for the textile workers' conditions in Cambodia. Ikea has recently admitted that it used the political prisoners 2 card monte in the former GDR in its production. 2 card monte
There is a downside to that portion of meatballs cost 19 crowns, a bookcase 2 card monte 595 crowns or a t-shirt 49 crowns. Somewhere 2 card monte in the chain there is always the subcontractors who are willing to cheat to increase their profit margins or raking in a lucrative contract. In the social media era, it is the well-known consumer brand and its management hardest hit. That, if anything should get the most upptagne president to understand that the devil is in the long supply chain smallest details.
Suspected horse meat Suspicion of horse meat. Kungsörnen 2 card monte back three products. February 25, 2013 Meatballs stopped in 26 countries
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