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"Mujahideen Youth" movement says it shot down a Kenyan military plane in Somalia, Al-Jazeera correspondent: 15 dead and more than fifty wounded in car bombings in Baghdad, the sources of the island: the sound of huge explosions in the town of El Arish Sinai Governorate sources Island: An Egyptian policeman injured in a bomb blast in front of the eye University Sun sources of the island: ore ida fries the killing of two young men shot dead at a checkpoint of the Egyptian army in Ismailia
Hell prices Flaming Winter Sudan Sisi "flirts" revolutionaries January to contain the acquittal of Mubarak, "the land of Bolivar .. remote nearby" new magazine island Submit Home News Arabic sections international reports and dialogues freedoms and rights tour press science and technology culture and art Misc Sport economy Medicine and Health Poll topics and crisis issues in Yemen's presidential elections in Tunisia, the conflict in Iraq, the crisis in Libya regions of the Islamic world the Arab world Alomerkian Europe, Asia, East Asia, Australia, Africa knowledge of opinion ore ida fries articles written coverage of news programs talk shows television ore ida fries magazine programs and documentaries parked broadcast ore ida fries programs neighborhood newsletters, reports, ore ida fries news media photo album Newsletters news reports caricature Balhjeri education Peninsula Festival festival festival festival competitions director awards ore ida fries categories Conditions of Participation films Contact us Thursday, 05/05/2011 m (updated) at 10:25 (Mecca)
Market to sell vegetables in the city of Hubei Province of China Anhui (Reuters) specialists agree that the 21st century will see the wars is not the sovereign or wealth but on the food crisis because of the shade of this world, and interfere in political, environmental and economic factors. ore ida fries
American author Lester Brown -oho stated head of the Institute of Earth Policy in a study published in the journal Foreign Bolci- that the United Nations recorded in the index of global food prices in 2011 rose upward reached its peak in March / March last.
Brown added -oho author of a book
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