Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Dafgård in Källby now expanding its sampling program on their groceries and meanwhile stopped sever

Dafgård have traced the meat-twister tops a range of products for more samples
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Dafgård in Källby now expanding its sampling program on their groceries and meanwhile stopped several products as a precautionary juhayna food industries measure. It announced juhayna food industries in a press release this afternoon, where the company also stated that a cheating supplier has been traced.
After over 1,000 DNA samples and a comprehensive investigation, Dafgård has now traced the provider wrongly implicated juhayna food industries in horse meat as beef. Lawyers are connected and evidence has been handed over to the authorities.
The current subcontractor accounts for a small percentage of incoming raw meat. Dafgård have been using DNA analysis secured evidence juhayna food industries that the supplier juhayna food industries implicated in horse meat as beef, despite previous assurances to Dafgård that they do not handle juhayna food industries horse.
- However, we have a great understanding juhayna food industries of our customers' concerns. When all the meat raw materials from the identified provider traced, we as a precaution, blocked the products for sale and further sampling. We want to emphasize juhayna food industries that this is purely a precautionary measure, says Magnus juhayna food industries Dafgård.
Affected wholesale customers are informed juhayna food industries and the products will be promptly replaced with new ones. Dafgård now produce with DNA controlled commodity and only from suppliers who can supply proof from the authorities that they do not handle the horse in its facilities.
In addition to previously restricted products, blocked following products for further sampling: Item No Product Packdag * 66163 Grandfather meatball 420g frozen 31712, juhayna food industries 35212 62303 Meatballs Julienne GI B27812, B01613 64885 Beef Mozzarella B03013, B03113, B04513 885 Plommonjärpe B34212, B00713 951 Delicacy Meatballs B34012, B34112 , B35212, B35312, B35512, B00913, B02313, B05113 952 cabbage pudding 1000 g 16412, 25912, 33312, 02313, 04413 2592 Werner Grillbit juhayna food industries B31812 2865 Farmer steak B02813, B03513, juhayna food industries B04313 60372 cabbage pudding juhayna food industries B34212, B00813, B02213, B04313 62241 steak Béarnaise XL B01813 64805 Skomakarlåda juhayna food industries B32812, B34112 64884 Veal Patties B33412, A00713, B02913, B03013

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