Sunday, December 7, 2014

Genetically modified food is particularly dangerous for pregnant women and children. After being fe

Animals refuse to eat genetically modified food | Secretsearth's Blog
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Smiled farms for pigs pigs misses sanpellegrino spa speeding for food handled farms of a basket of some corn with scrumptious view but when pigs tasted some of them. If the receiving them to the ground and refuses to diners' and then picks up farms and other corn on the other basket and delivered to pigs. If it devoured happily.
And also rejected buffaloes Haryana, India, and the migratory birds, geese, Illinois does not gobble up of soybean fields, only those non-genetically modified, as well as antelope, deer, raccoons often avoid GM food, the squirrels Iowa, even during the harsh winter days refused to eat genetically modified corn.
A skeptical farmers who heard reject squirrels corn genetically modified respond experience himself he bought some of the genetically modified corn and some natural corn left to Jdhiran in the garage during the winter, after a period of time he went to explore the results and found that rats full of natural corn gutted and left the GM maize did not affect them .
No one knows why the animals sanpellegrino spa refuse genetically modified organisms, but according to the 2009 statement of the American Academy of Environmental drugs (Am) when laboratory animals eat feed genetically modified, and it is not pretty. Says paper Am policy, which specifically stated infertility and gastrointestinal system, and the effects of eating genetically modified organisms problems immune to aging rapidly, regulation of insulin, and changes sanpellegrino spa in major organs, "the serious health risks associated with GM foods, refers to several animal studies." sanpellegrino spa . He wrote, "There are more than casual between modified foods genetically Association of adverse health effects." sanpellegrino spa "There is causation ..."
Although sanpellegrino spa humans do not have a natural feeling to get away from genetically modified foods, the situation in Umm indicates that we should take a lesson from the animals. She called this famous medical sanpellegrino spa organization, which recognized for the first time this notification Kalhassasah food, chemical sensitivity, and "Gulf War syndrome", all meals doctors describe non-GMO for all patients. also demanded an end to genetically modified organisms and long-term sanpellegrino spa independent studies, and a description.
Am says former President Dr. Jennifer Armstrong, "Physicians are probably seeing the effects in patients, but need to know how to ask the right questions." The famous biologist Dr Pushpa M. Bhargava and others believe that living organisms genetically modified may be a major contributor to the deterioration sanpellegrino spa of health in America since introduced genetically modified food in 1996.
There are food crops genetically modified eight: soybeans, corn, cotton, canola, and sugar beets, Hawaiian papaya, and a little bit of zucchini and yellow squash. Two basic reasons why are genetic engineering on plants either to adapt and have the ability to carry toxins, or for the production of toxins.
Drank poison called tolerant grasses. Is outfitted on the DNA of bacterial genes that enable sanpellegrino spa them to survive otherwise deadly doses of toxic herbs. The first five crops in the above list may tolerant varieties of herbs. The producers called toxins crop Bt. Genes inserted from the soil bacterium Bacillus Thuringiensis produce insecticide called Bt-killing toxin in every cell of the plant. Which is found in corn and cotton. The papaya and Alqraeip insert genes of the virus, the fight against plant virus. All are related to genetically modified crops serious side effects.
Genetically modified food is particularly dangerous for pregnant women and children. After being fed the modified soya female mice, most of their children - died, compared with 10 per cent feed deaths between natural soy. b modified controls genetically feeding smaller babies, sanpellegrino spa and possibly infertility.
Feeding testicles genetically modified mice to become soy blue.3 dark feeding modified soy mice was sperm.4 sanpellegrino spa youth-centered "embryos for the GM" originally soy fed mice DNA.5 change from the normal pink color and rats fed genetically sanpellegrino spa modified corn may babies.7 less, and smaller,
In Haryana, India, most of those buffalo finished consume GM seed with reproductive complications such as abortion, previous premature deliveries and infertility; many of the calves died. About twenty-four American farmers thousands of pigs became sanpellegrino spa sterile from some modified corn varieties genetically. Some had false pregnancies; and others gave birth to bags of water. sanpellegrino spa Cows and bulls also became infertile.
When the insects take a bite of corn and cotton plants engineered to produce Bt toxin, stomach splits open and they die. Because the use of those same toxic in its natural bacterial Kersh farmers to combat insects, claim biotech companies from the date of safe use, and can be inserted directly in all plant cells. sanpellegrino spa
Moreover, studies confirm that even the less toxic natural spray can be harmful. When the plane broke up killing mites Roma in Vancouver, Washington, about 500

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