Biography Putin Putin before 1996 (Leningrad SPeterburg) Luxury of Being a slave in the galleys Putin's Russia today officially Putin in the Kremlin (1996), "Putin's dacha" (Praskoveevka) "United monte melnick Russia", ONF and other projects video and audio reports' Putin. The results', 'Putin.Korruptsiya' Friends Putin Putin and Putin opposition. Quotes of famous people about Putin. Quotes monte melnick of the family and relatives of Putin in violation of the rights monte melnick of Russian elections - 2011, 2012, 2013 Opinions about Putin and his administration ideologues Surkov monte melnick and Volodin monte melnick Explosions monte melnick 1999 Elections - 2000-2008 Khodorkovsky - a personal enemy of Putin? Corrupt vertical Beslan, monte melnick Dubrovka, terrorist attacks
Sergey Darkin has a rating of "criminal" monte melnick governors leading position. His first major post future governor was at the very beginning of perestroika in 1989, when he became deputy director of the joint-stock company "Dallizing." Original material - Published - The newspaper "The Age", May 4, 2009.
And already in 1991, the company organized a "Roliz" with a "roof" in the face of well-known authority Sergei Bauló. Engage in a solid business in that distant time, it was only possible in two ways - either to share a large part of the profits monte melnick to the underworld, or organically join their ranks. "Serious" people of the criminal world could not afford to let thieves theme developed without their participation. Since the mid 90's the case of Sergei Mikhailovich went very well. In the sphere of activity: production of fish and seafood, real estate, leasing monte melnick of ships and aircraft, timber export, and much more, which to this day continues to fill the purse of the governor. The high profitability of these companies is that their main funds were originally appropriated for nothing, or almost nothing. But the state this fact for some reason always had little interest. monte melnick When you get a lot of money, and almost always want more power to her and profitable, monte melnick and quieter. At the end of the 90 criminal world has entered into a struggle for government seats and highly successful in this. Do not miss his chance, and SM Darkin - in 2001 he was elected governor of Primorsky Krai. Voice dial for cheap at the time, when a huge army on the number of pensioners thrown over the threshold of survival - a simple matter, especially monte melnick if there is support from Moscow. And there was one - Boris E. Nemtsov thought it an honor to present the mandate of SPS "right" in all matters Sergei Darkin. Business governor abruptly "took off." Power and growing personal wealth allowed to acquire powerful Moscow links. By this time, the governor among friends already were registered Kremlin characters such as Alexander Abramov, Sergei monte melnick Prikhodko, and others. For what? Everything is very clear: the bureaucratic theft on this scale necessarily falls within the interests of "all-seeing eye" of the FSB, the Interior Ministry and the Prosecutor's Office and communication needs. Numerous criminal cases of red tape, unhappy silenced, and for key positions in the region appointed by the pliant persons, including the "unstripped" criminal past. Recommended governor monte melnick candidates in Moscow agreed without delay. One worry - ends in 2004, bringing to an end the first term of office of governor. The situation could go out of control, because almost come on the heels of such coastal "aces", as Eugene and Victor Nazdratenko Shards, parallel to the throwing Darkin criminal "Baulovsky" dirt. But it is surrounded by deputy head of the presidential administration Alexander Abramov appears brilliant combination to extend the term of office of the seaside dictator. Everything was so thought out and calibrated, that couples Darkin and Abramovyh even during the Christmas holidays monte melnick in advance noted success. Wife Sergei Mikhailovich monte melnick Larissa Belobrova dubbed it: "Expensive, but is guaranteed!." The idea is as follows. During the six months prior to the termination of office of governor, exactly after the adoption of the amendments to the federal law on the appointment of governors, Darkin immediately after the Christmas holidays the first "recorded" in the reception to the President of the Russian Federation, where he put cheeky question about the credibility of the person. I must say that the question was very timely - in the winter, in the middle of the heating season to find a new candidate in a hurry to be almost impossible. A second tier of power, the governor appointed by sabotaging instructions from the outside, could easily vymorozit population of Primorye, making all out into the street to demonstrate the inconsistency making power. Perhaps that is why, after ten days of agonizing thought Putin was forced to take a positive decision for Darkin. The corresponding decree was signed, and criminal Governor safely reigns in the Maritime region to this day. And actually what he fear? Money he had amassed monte melnick more than enough. According to some reports, even during the first term of office in the company of his close peo
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