The camping season in Qatar and other Gulf countries bahan taslan and people started jumping Bkhiamanm to the mainland for Nsbhm and enjoy the breezes land full of serenity and calm, bringing tranquility and serenity and a sense of Barahh and recovery, and in order to keep camping season beautiful, it should take care of the safety bahan taslan of our food in order to avoid injuring any case of food poisoning During this season of Zlm Tdtna What do you think if a little bit about food safety in the camping season starting from practically through the purchase and preparation of food in ways that save it, let's start with permission:
Here we would like to alert you to something very important, which is that handles those vehicles is one of the things most polluted in the supermarket so you should not take any food after catch her as should wash your hands thoroughly when you return to the house and Lilja are some who know this information to the survey cart handles Shopping handkerchiefs containing sterile materials to be cleaned and sterilized and this is not the bass.
Foods need low temperatures to preserve its integrity, such as dairy products, meat, fish and frozen food (frozen vegetables - foods Semi-finished frozen - frozen meats - butter ... etc.) and should you have to buy these foods at the end of round shopping and wary of buying in Initially even if they are close to you when you log in to the supermarket.
Food does not need to lower temperatures to save and can remain intact retain their properties in full normal temperatures for the room (such as cereal bahan taslan - sugar - flour - Tea - Coffee - oils - canned food ... etc.) and you should always that you purchase at the beginning of the shopping tour and there is no any problem with any of them to start.
Upon purchase of the Canned Pay attention to the safety of the package and make sure that there is no bulge in one of its aspects and they are free of folds and indentations and rust spots and do not purchase any explosive show any deformation although small and small. Here, do not forget to receive bahan taslan your opinion to the card to read the statement they are faithful and guide you during the shopping process through which it is able to recognize the vital information such as: know the name of the product and its brand, the company and the country the product. Learn about the history of production and finish which is called on the authority, and is drawn to the expiry date is very important because some expired canned goods may be hazardous to life and lead to death in the case of eating the contents.
Identify the components of a food item that will be purchased may be these ingredients bahan taslan are listed by name or remember the shape of the percentages of the components of food proteins and fats, and sugars and navigator metal and read these ingredients and this information is very important especially for those who suffer from certain health problems or sensitivity to certain bahan taslan components of food .
And contain the supermarket on a special section of oils and fats offering the varieties are numerous and many of the oils as oil (sunflower, soybean and corn, palm oil and olive oil), in addition to the types of multi-fat and make sure here is always to choose the type of oil that suits you and suits the purpose for which you bought the oil from for it (oil for frying - Oil Authority) and we would like to note here that all the vegetable oils of different types of cholesterol-free because the plants do not produce bahan taslan cholesterol bahan taslan at all.
The vegetable fats (margarine or obese Plant) are fats, artificial attend hydrogenated vegetable oils to make them fat solid or semi-solid and contain these fats harmful compounds called fatty acids, trans (Trans Fatty acids) that cause many diseases, cardiovascular bahan taslan and some studies to it raises cholesterol in the blood may submit it twice as animal fats and cause infertility.
There are many many varieties and variety of bread, there are flat bread and long and circular, and many different varieties but when you buy bread Pay attention to the date of production, and preferably you are buying bread product newly especially if you purchase a quantity of it for consumption at a later date. Be careful always to the strength of the quality of the bread that you buy and to the absence of any strange colors may indicate the growth of fungi and molds on the surface of the bread, and here we remind you to avoid choosing any bag of bread bags if its surface internal contain water droplets condensing, which shows that the bread may put inside the bag without adequately cooled.
We recommend that you buy fruits first because the content of the dust will be a little compared with the vegetables. In general when the purchase of fruits and vegetables scan berries well before putting them in the bag if you should choose only pill sound and avoid distorting or wounded bahan taslan or which have strong tender more than usual or avoid also choose the pill soiled with sand and dust, or by watching the growth of Aakan.
When buying vegetables leafy Kalnanaa, parsley, coriander and spinach and mallow ... etc. You must choose Vibrios with green leaves and stay away from Vibrios leafy withered yellowed and scan well these vegetables bahan taslan may include among their leaves some small insects which Qdtzhb you among those vegetables to your home or place of stay without to learn.
Make sure that the fish is displayed under refrigerators offer private or shown on a cushion of crushed ice, which is also punctuated. You can learn to fresh fish by observing some signs Fishes fresh are: smell fishy moderate bahan taslan eyes gleaming net the gills with bright red color and the strength of her body elasticated back to normal when pressed fingering scales fresh fish to be strongly linked to the body of the fish It is difficult to remove it. The fish shall be corrupt smelly and opaque eyes and sunken The pasty body strength is not due to normal when pressed fingering Hrashvha and is strongly linked to the body of the fish and easily removed
It was observed during the purchase of meat and having Achtla
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