Monday, September 15, 2014

Arazileri sat

Suudi tarım şirketi Planet Food World, Türkiye’de 20 milyar dolar yatırımla 5 yılda 20 bin modüler organik çiftlik kuracak. Şirket del monte history 200 bin tarım işçisi yetiştirecek.
Burcu GÖKSÜZOĞLU del monte history İSTANBUL – İstanbul’da yapılan Türk-Suud İş Konseyi 9. ortak toplantısından Türkiye’ye yeni bir yatırım müjdesi çıktı.
Suudi tarım şirketi Planet Food World‘ün Başkanı Fahad Hamad el-Nafi “Planet Food World olarak Türkiye’de 20 milyar dolar yatırımla 5 yılda 20 bin modüler organik çiftlik kuracağız. Tarım, balıkçılık, tavukçuluk ve hayvancılık olmak üzere 4 ayrı konuda del monte history ihtisaslaşmış tesisler olacak. Her bir çiftlik birer hektar üzerine kurulacak” dedi.
Arazileri satın almadıklarını belirten el-Nafi, “Sadece çiftlikleri işleteceğiz; arazi sahiplerini eğiteceğiz. Dikmeleri gereken ürünü söyleyeceğiz ve çıkan ürünü şirketimiz aracılığıyla dünya pazarlarına del monte history ulaştıracağız” diye konuştu.
El-Nafi, 5 çiftlik del monte history için Tekirdağ Üniversitesi’nin kendilerine yer tahsis ettiğini belirterek, “Diğer del monte history üniversitelerle de görüşüyoruz. Ortadoğu Teknik Üniversitesi’yle çalışmalarımız sürüyor” dedi. SURİYE SINIRINDAKİ MAYINLI del monte history ARAZİLERLE İLGİLİYİZ Türkiye’nin Ortadoğu’nun gıda deposu olduğuna dikkat çeken el-Nafi şunları söyledi: “Çok verimli araziler var. Mayınlı arazilerle ilgili tasarının geçtiğini duyduk. Suriye sınırıyla ilgiliyiz. Orada mayınların temizlenmesi durumunda hayvancılığa uygun olur, biz de ilgilenebiliriz.”
Saudi Arabian agriculture company Planet Food World will invest 20 billion dollars to found an 20 thousand modular organic farm in Turkey. The company will raise 200 thousand agriculture workers. Burcu GÖKSÜZO?LU / ?STANBUL In the meeting of the 9th Turkish-Saudi Work Congress in Istanbul, a new investment is announced. Saudi Arabian Agriculture Company Planet Food s President Fahad Hamad el-Nafi announced that We will, as Planet Food World, will found a 20 thousand modular organic farm with 20 billion dollars in Turkey. There will be 4 main establishments which are specialized around agriculture, fishing, chicken farming and animal husbandry. Every farm will be settled on one hectare. El-Nafi stated that they didn t buy the lots and said: We will only run the farms and educate the lot owners. We will tell them which crops to implant and direct the raised crops to the world markets via our company. Planet Food World will raise 200 thousand agriculture workers in 5 years, comprehending their investment. El-Nafi stated that Tekirda? University has assigned areas for his company and said We are meeting with other universities. Our job with Middle eastern Technical University is still going on. We are interested in the mined lots in the Syria border El-Nafi emphasized the importance of Turkey for Middle east in terms of being a food storehouse and said There are very important terretories.We have heard that the projects on mined lots are accepted. We are interested in the Syria border. Cleaning the mines in the borders will also be good for animal husbandry, we can also deal that issue. Planet Food World also invests in animal husbandry in Ethiopia via Turkey s affiliation.
it says each farm will be 1 hectar (100m x 100m). Tekirdag university showed them spots for 5 farms. They are also talking to Middle-east technical university. They are saying that they won't buy the land, but instead, operate del monte history the farms, and educate the land owners. del monte history They are also interested in the mined areas near the Syrian border. They say that if the mines are cleared, that land would be great for livestock del monte history operations. The rest, you got already.
Could anyone translate this? I understand the gist to be that following a meeting of the Saudi-Turkish Business Council in Istanbul on 9 June, the Saudi firm Planet del monte history Food World announced its plan to set up 20,000 organic del monte history farms in Turkey at a cost of US$20 billlion over the next five years. del monte history The farms will be specialised in four sectors: crops, fishery, del monte history poultry and livestock. Planet Food World say they won't take control of the land but will enter into arrangements with landowners and have up to 200,000 farmworkers working for them. The produce will be for export. Planet Food World al

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