Who Is? Magic fruit of the olive tree ... Why? Because even edge, re-sprout from the bottom there was only one that can give! Sometimes the mice would carry seeds, stones hid under the They just moved it out from under the have eternal tree ... Sometimes the mice is through his stomach, fertilizer, germination source for it would have been ... Sometimes our tables green, variegated or black trim. Sometimes our cakes, our bread additive. biscotti ringo Oil raw material of our food. Moreover, in the most healthy. biscotti ringo Our bath soap, shampoo biscotti ringo ... My favorite olive loooong! My father grew when the second world war. We can go to war at any moment, despite the dangers, with rationing biscotti ringo of bread in the history of that period of childhood. For being an only child, and one is living a childhood coy nazenin (collectively have become sick), my grandmother cherish the food if it rained, do not eat, eat though. 'Amaaya' my father biscotti ringo said: 'He's 4-5 in the environment, even me at once biting an olive bread to additive taught. I never eat like Chickpeas ... Dar day also plenty of days I can notice also in terms! ' Today's mothers and children Does it make any sense, but I do not know these lines has taught me a lot! With my wife when we got married, biscotti ringo I was saying that attaching biscotti ringo 'with you, because you're the son of a family of olive growers biscotti ringo got married, but I do not see any olive complement the rain.' We are finding biscotti ringo with dirhe, olives coming from different countries, its value better biscotti ringo understood. I always told my father that 'not additive' event came to my mind ... thanks be to God, out of nowhere, but in the absence of the presence of the country's olive absence! Kayınvalidem the cans cans olives, tin tin oil standstill, we tiny bottle, with little in packages we met with them, I've written this statement ... Haha said my wife, this year you nose dip dipped in olive :) Both full season! My God, this must be a dream .... Crushing, lemon sauce served NEW ... Green, black ...-smelling oil ... Best of all branches from the tree ... Dies trees met me this year, closely branches liked , I caressed the leaves. I saw abundance biscotti ringo ... I washed biscotti ringo with soap, the soap's purity stroked my hair ... Did Doy? No, I this beauty, I could not get enough of these blessings! If slow-growing but long-lived olive tree. If in a year, multi-product, less than a year ... Weight of 20 - 30% if oil consists of. Tree, April - May their leaves biscotti ringo green / white is crowned with flowers, winter, such as pine trees, deciduous could not not. 100g olives 224 calories biscotti ringo have to say! The life of a tree varies between 700 and 2000 have. Yes, yes you've read it wrong, centuries ... a thousand years ... What did we say? Eternal Tree! Clayey, chalky, water permeable, rugged, hillside soils have warm wind field. I also have Anatolian homeland. Here in Greece, Italy, France and Spain, and from there to the history biscotti ringo of African cousins. The other from a branch, ie from southern Anatolia, Syria and went to Egypt ... In the third arm, lying on Afghanistan and Pakistan. Also learned that mobility. If who loved her as much as I, have moved next to me ... Benefits? Countless I say ... Just taken before meals olive oil peptic ulcer to protect against, gall bladder diseases against a type of medicine to being used, breast milk closest to the proportion of linoleic acid that it contains, it also brain development and bone strength accelerate if I told you ... Sonraaa name olive oil, which single cuisine biscotti ringo Turkish cuisine is mention your .... Many religious books in the olive tree mentioned if I say ... of Jesus into heaven of olives from the rise and since then living there olive grove today that there is I wrote ... In our country, 400 thousand biscotti ringo families olive was directly livelihoods. In our country, a total of 644,000 hectares of land for cultivation of olives and olive trees there were in 107 million. If the total number of olive oil and table olive producers biscotti ringo in 2001, according to the results of the counts were 196,000 i. I olives, oil, soap ... And you could not get enough of? Sources: Haci Abdullah Restaurant Parliament biscotti ringo Commission Press Release
I unfortunately olive eating do not like it in general cekridekl berries are also eaten already :( olive oil and familiarize I also recount the known us bolbolmis like butter and eaten are. Current lamamutfak in the place of honor every dish letting enters almost, beside biscotti ringo brought flavor and health along with :) 18: 55
My petition, I can not get enough of olives and olive oil to. So during the second world war, the aged father cocuklug the "food such as roasted biscotti ringo it to say," bundanmis. But I zeytic family's child with a mother who Inad the presence of Thought:) Well, in our country that beautiful olive trees cut and cut yazlik biscotti ringo who almost never on the sea shore olive tree that leaves mentality how about that? Soon we will be exporting olive oil from Europe in my case since I've been. One of Ayvalik in the abundance of olive trees planted in the garden of the house he inanis getirirmis there. My olive trees there, but here, unfortunately I do not have such a sense of love Gulin 20:12
Olive or
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