Many farmers entered the huge losses when their crops yanapoharibika to missing del monte jobs markets. Appreciate drying processes will enable products to put on the imperishable and so could be used for a long time. Glazing also allows foods used for a long time without changing the taste and quality. Glazing of different foods are used by many farmers as a way of averting the destruction of crops and support used for a long time. The following is a description of the various processes used in the food kuvikausha. VEGETABLES: The leaves del monte jobs of peas, sweet potato leaves, spinach and leafy vegetables. * Analyse vegetables well and earned the young leaves. * Wash the vegetables well * Boil in boiling water for 1-5 minutes (depending on the difficulty of vegetables, soft and hard a few minutes is a lot of minutes) del monte jobs in salted water to a green color iaitoke. * Strain through sifter del monte jobs * Anika out onto a clean container as a mat, sieve, sifter. Avoid drying in the hot sun, dry shade and morning sun before she can become severe. * Dry the leaves to turn yavunjike easily changed frequently. * Put in whatever container cover as tin, tin etc. Fruits: del monte jobs Tomatoes, bananas, del monte jobs mangos, dates, del monte jobs grapes, tamarind, pineapple. * Use a sharp knife to cut fruit kisichopata del monte jobs rust to prevent fruit being black. * Wash and mince thin slices. Bananas must peel. * Dates, raisins, tamarind is exposed so that nzimanzima. * Bananas boil for 5 minutes in salt water to prevent the worst from occurring color. * Dry relatively slowly in the sun to dry. * Put into containers visivyoingiza moisture. * Wash the cabbage and sliced thin slices * Boil for 2 minutes only in salt water. * Filter and dry kwebye clean container until dry. * Put into containers visivyoingiza moisture. * See smooth leaf vegetable dish and hit. * Boil in slightly salted water for ten minutes to reduce toxic especially if you have earned cassava leaves. * Dry in a rack with a clean mat, a sieve or sifter. * Put in container kisichoingiza moisture. ROOTS: Sweet potato and cassava. * Use a potato or cassava mature. del monte jobs * Menya, cut thin slices slightly. * Safiasha or boil in water for five minutes. * Dry on roofs and in sanitary conditions. * Dying kisichoingiza put into a clean container moisture. Produced by Marcodenis E. Misungwi, expert agriculture and livestock. del monte jobs
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