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The reasons: Cattle voracious animals because they feed along with regular feed ingredients in the nature of objects not eat well isterler.çoğunlukl also chew because they beets, radishes, potatoes, apple-like bump in the form of substances pharynx and esophagus that causes obstruction.
Symptoms: Usually a very short time after the receipt sugar factory process of such bodies are revealed. Animals sugar factory process a sudden restlessness, restlessness, and saliva flow is observed. Pharynx or esophagus is occluded front in the stomach (rumen) gas outlet is blocked for a severe swelling in the rumen of animals begins.
Cause: Feed the energy, protein and trace element deficiencies, feed on these substances power be digestible energy / protein imbalance, concentrated oath be insufficient, poor quality feed lot impregnation reasons such as stems. Although often seen in poor nutritional conditions, pet owners are not considered by the disease.
Symptoms: Usually a good appetite and desire to eat normal food substances in the property for non-vardır.kar growth, sugar factory process sagging and head, body and legs during the development of an imbalance between the philosophies of bulunur.geliş growth retardation occurs relative to their peers. There is a decrease in milk yield.
The reasons: Cattle most common pre-gastric disease at the beginning of gelir. new feed changes, one of feeds Giving more, feed wetted trowel in my case impregn, frozen and moldy feeds, feeding times are irregular, inadequate provision of water, coarse oath alone silage Giving reasons such as advanced income.
Protection Path: All kinds of sudden sugar factory process changes in feed should be avoided. Gradually sugar factory process as you move from one feed should be. Baits should not be wetted if my trowel and measures should be taken for other reasons.
Reasons: cereal grains, flour, bran, mill residues, such as starch and brewery residues of feed materials to be fed more than usual and sudden; apple, grape pulp, molasses, sugar beets, figs sugary food items and bakery waste suddenly fed or animals out of control eating disorders main nedenleridir.ayrı as in the ration roughage ratio is less than the grains of the crushed cooking or boiling, feed the wetted at giving cause disease it is. The front is the most common diseases of the stomach.
Symptoms: loss of appetite in cattle after eating this kind of food, stagnation attention. Does not appear to get cud, does not stand up in violent events. After 2-3 days, light-colored, foul-smelling diarrhea.
Protection Ways: To avoid sudden changes in feed gerekir.ned should be carefully specified in the feed ingredients, should be given gradually habituate. 10 days on diets containing 50% grain bait adaptation should sugar factory process be applied. Should not be confused roughage and grains and forages should not be wetted. Adhering to feed stray cattle barn, crop fields and the threshing floor, fruit and vegetable gardens should be prevented from entering.
Reasons: alfalfa, clover, vetch as forage crops, green grains, flowering stage before any type of green grass in excess feeding the green grass in heat given them and feeds with frost or cold as a result will occur. Also, be given plenty of water after food grains is the cause of the disease. Eating out gassing due esophageal narrowing or blockage of the passageways is formed in the gas.
Protection Paths: Risky Familiarize baits should be given. Fattening beef barn to pasture, especially sugar factory process during the transition from the 10-15 day run-in period should be applied. Roughage in the ration should be less than 18%, instead of the powder pellet baits baits should be dry.
The reasons: Cattle voracious animals because they feed together with wire, nails, needle-like sharp objects, we shall bodies abdominal volume increased as a result, sugar factory process respectively, gizzard, sugar factory process abdominal wall membrane and even the abdominal wall and thoracic cavity between the diaphragm to the sink. Hunger, particularly P and protein deficient feeding and grazing in a dump like this increases the likelihood of obtaining objects.
Symptoms: Initially, the sudden decrease in milk yield, reluctance to move, getting up to go to bed moaning, back curvature and a reduction in ruminant attention. In the former case the partial loss of appetite, reduced milk yield, and avoiding walking slow, intermittent gas formation in the rumen during the course of görülür.hastalıg sometimes goes to the heart of sinking objects
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