Sunday, October 12, 2014

SPECIAL NEWS Ministry of Food control in place to support demand

Food control in place a support request Roasted ways of food preservation peanut allergy is making milk prices to fly five main factors in packaging environmental factors, won the Target, the 100th year $ 150 billion Turkey pulses importer was the Minister Eker physicians "apology" call molasses and pulp production has risen These foods store energy as 200 thousand tons of wheat were imported
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To GIDAVİTR - Ankara food security and nutrition in order to provide consumers with healthy products to its continued control of Food, Agriculture and Livestock ways of food preservation Directorate food inspection teams, unhealthy food does not allow the sale of products and presentation. 174 ALONE FOOD line in a company producing ready-made meatballs into the offal involving suspected the application evaluating Cankaya District Directorate's teams, they go in the workplace offending meatballs from taking ways of food preservation samples ways of food preservation for analysis in the laboratory, sending shocking another scene encountered. Küflenerek in another part of the workplace ways of food preservation and identify rotten sausage sausage ways of food preservation confiscated the teams. Coils consisting of about 500 to 180 kg. After weighing sausages transactions Çadırtepe Landfill located in Xinjiang were destroyed and taken to landfills from 1,329 administrative penalty was applied. According to the results of samples from meatballs to do further processing. Remove the doubt right in the notification, ways of food preservation meatballs, if detected from within the entrails than 13,304 administrative penalty to be applied separately. CONSUMERS have important tasks Five million people live in the capital Ankara food safety to ensure that provincial and district directorates as controls in a row in a way that they continue emphasizing Ankara Food, Agriculture and Livestock Provincial Director Muhsin Basic, inspections efficiency and effectiveness to increase Ankara and the important role he said. An inspector of the Ministry on the principle that every consumer has put in place to line 174 FOOD ALONE effective use of Ankara adopted and noted that the basic, "welcomed of Ankara ways of food preservation is very sensitive to this issue are observing. We deem necessary to disruptions of Ankara, as well as forwarding to line up 174 FOOD ALONE. Ankara Alone Food Line 174 the second province in the case of most applications. Our success in the control of Ankara in this awareness is increasing, "he said. Of Ankara, healthy and safe food to consume to ensure that they are committed and unhealthy food products to sell certainly would not allow specifying ways of food preservation basic, business inspections at the only food inspection teams, but consumers do it, said businesses were under constant supervision to which they are conscious that they must, otherwise criminal ways of food preservation proceedings that will inevitably happen he added.
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LAST MINUTE Food control in place a support request Roasted peanut allergy is making ways of food preservation milk prices to fly five main factors in packaging environmental factors, won the Target, the 100th year $ 150 billion Turkey pulses importer was the Minister Eker physicians "apology" call molasses ways of food preservation and pulp production increased this food energy 200 thousand tons of wheat were imported, such as warehouse in Turkey and Russia agreed in agriculture and food Red meat comes new models
SPECIAL NEWS Ministry of Food control in place to support demand 'iron curtain' to send Balda 'ready honeycomb' attention to the danger! America's hamburger is a rival to the world's largest honey producer of food imports to domestic production 2'C kills
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