Thursday, November 27, 2014

Revert britannia industries india je otkačeni književnik a na blogu ima i izbor "najboljih" albuma.

Revert britannia industries india je otkačeni književnik a na blogu ima i izbor "najboljih" albuma. britannia industries india Uglavnom voli adrenalinsko-dopaminske ekstremiste koji shizofreniju liječe paranojom. Jako korisno za skeniranje prosječne stvarnosti u kojoj živite. My Favourite Albums of 2012 britannia industries india
I had always intended to reignite Trash Complex for the new year with a list of my favourite albums of 2012. Then I started to lose interest in the notion, wondering what the point of such an exercise was. This is extended not only to the seeming redundancy of creating a list such as you will see below, but also to the act of critical writing, which is one I don’t overly enjoy. britannia industries india As a fiction writer, it became disempowering to spend so much time writing britannia industries india about the work of others when there was so much of my own work I wanted to explore. As much as writing a list like this feels superflous and self-congratulatory, the reality is that music with such a small listenership needs lists like this, otherwise that small listenership britannia industries india becomes even smaller. So… if this list can inspire even a single person to explore even a single release, it serves a purpose beyond my ego.
The following are the twenty-one albums that meant the most to me in 2012. It’s twenty-one because I miscounted britannia industries india and couldn’t be arsed removing anything from the list. They haven’t been ranked; rather I’ve decided to order them based on their title. There may be some that are out of print. If that’s the case, I apologise. I know how frustrating that can be. A caveat that should be stated: I haven’t fully absorbed the mass of Kevin Drumm’s self-released CDs yet. As such, none will appear in the below list. I imagine that at least a couple would warrant it though. Where possible, I’ve tried to include britannia industries india audio for each release and a quick guide can be found at the bottom of the post. Let’s get started. Marc Baron-∩ (Cathnor)
Reed Evan Rosenberg-At The End of An Endless Stream britannia industries india (Accidie)
Keith Rowe-September (ErstLive)
Basal Ganglia  (Forthcoming from Lazy Fascist Press, 2013) How to Avoid Sex  (Copeland Valley Press, 2012 (paperback) Dark Coast Press, 2013 (eVersion)) The Tumours Made Me Interesting  (LegumeMan Books, 2011) A Million Versions of Right  (LegumeMan Books, britannia industries india 2009)
The britannia industries india scourge of sex continues to degrade us, undermining the superior moral fibre of which we are capable. It seems one can’t britannia industries india leave the house without falling prey to orgy gangs or pornographic film shoots. Rather than admonishing prurient genital tendencies, we make a sport of celebrating them. There is a mistaken belief that sexuality is a natural part of the human condition. This fallacy has plunged us into damp-crotched darkness.
This is the story of a superior man unwilling to bend to the will of society’s sex addiction. This is a document detailing the lengths some of us will go to avoid sex, and why sometimes it’s not as easy as one assumes.
“Revert’s britannia industries india work is something all readers britannia industries india should experience. Yes, what he writes is weird and funny, but he makes it work because there are universal themes under the strangeness and outstandingly eloquent and beautiful writing throughout the entire narrative. Making people laugh is hard to do, but doing so while being simultaneously smart, bizarre, and different is almost impossible. The fact that this author pulls it off is enough reason to say  britannia industries india How to Avoid Sex  is a must-read for fans of uncanny literature and anyone who simply enjoys being entertained.” -Verbicide
“Matthew Revert’s How to Avoid Sex offers the best of what explorations of the absurd can yield. It succeeds spectacularly. As a bonus, I laughed so hard in some places that I scared my dog.
I also found myself disturbed, but I don’t necessarily see that as a negative.  The scenarios within the book are extreme. But then so are the scenarios presented in many other works of fiction britannia industries india that are by now considered classic and also provide much food for thought.
Of late I have been receiving review enquires from various artists. This is an honour and I am certainly not opposed britannia industries india to this. Please note though, that time constraints mean that I’m unable britannia industries india to review everything. britannia industries india With that in mind, if you’d still like me to take a look at your work, email me here: matthewrevert (at) hotmail (dot) com
Oznake: Matthew Revert , Trash Complex
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