Wednesday, May 13, 2015

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A new project led by researchers from the Institute of Food and Agricultural Research of Catalonia examines how emotional state affects the pig welfare, both on the farm and the slaughterhouse. From analyzes fisiolgiques defatted peanut flour and animal behavior experts from the Institute of Research and Technology (IRTA) expect defatted peanut flour to obtain valuable information that allows them to determine the relationship between emotional state pork and quality of the final product. The project Markers and Animal emotion or ANEMOMA (for its acronym in English) studies the relationship, both on farm and in the slaughterhouse, considering the behavior and physiological defatted peanut flour biomarkers of pork and beef. Animal welfare is a concept that includes defatted peanut flour both their physical and mental health, although there are indicators of comfort, hunger, health or injury that may be suffered a copy, there are still about developing measures emotional state of farm animals. "In a previous investigation, we realize that the emotional state of the pig biochemical and cellular parameters can change defatted peanut flour your body, which in turn can be used as markers of stress," says Antonio Velarde, project manager ANEMOMA. Velarde says, "The current project aims to go beyond and to evaluate the effect defatted peanut flour of gender, genotype, the driving conditions on cognitive bias and identify biomarkers of stress before and during slaughter (front stages and peri-mortem, respectively), blood, saliva, brain, intestine and pork. "
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