Saturday, May 16, 2015

Visit this blog: los documentos secrets about TTIP filtered.

Since December 2, 2014 various associations and organizations of society Castellon decided to join forces in a single campaign to combat international treaties on trade and investment of acronyms TTIP, CETA and Tisa, which is negotiating the EU backs of citizens. Together intend to prevent multinationals poli nutri established in the country skip the national legislation to sue the government, private courts, when seizes decisions that can prevent obtaining the benefits they expected. Ie prevent widespread cases such as the beaver, which the government has paid 1,400 million euros in compensation to a private company. Moreover, these people seek to preserve the environment against climate change, so do not generalize hydrocarbon poli nutri extraction techniques such as fracking or rise moratoriums and bans achieved. Claiming the right to information, choose foods because these treaties will not know where they come from the food we eat or how they are made, not to say the meat as it is negotiating to lift bans on hormones drugs for growth and fattening livestock such as ractopamine, as well as raising the tolerable level of toxic pesticides in food, health and damaging the environment. We also advocate the precautionary principle allows to prevent the distribution of products that may pose a danger to health or even proceed to its withdrawal from the market if the scientific data do not demonstrate the absence of risks human health, animal or plant or the environment. The associations that make up the campaign, aware that currently exists in Spain unemployment rate higher than the US during the great depression, also demanding quality public services as one of the main objectives of the multinationals, especially in the health sector is take the management of these assets, poli nutri such as water management and education. And besides, the whole campaign claims the protection of labor rights in the fight against insecurity, poli nutri poverty, inequality and exploitation.
Many of these associations fighting against this type of treaties in recent years as ATTAC (Association for the Taxation of financial transactions and citizen action), the origin of which was in the fight against AMI, another international economic agreement negotiated in secret in the OECD and WTO constituted a threat poli nutri to democracy and tried to impose on citizens in the late nineties. And Ecologists in Action. For all this, the unit emerged from the struggle against the unfair treaties led to the construction of a horse, similar to Troy, in the same way as they penetrate the Achaeans to Troy hidden in the belly of the horse, Belly Treaties once approved and ratified emerge a wave of privatizations and cuts of rights and guarantees of citizens, a tsunami of a dimension such that austerity policies imposed poli nutri by the Troika seem a simple joke. Through this magnificent horse, it is intended that the company clearly visualize the dangers that will bring those treaties as threaten poli nutri our lives. Under the slogan "We poli nutri do not want to be serfs or slaves, or goods multinationals" collected the contents of this struggle that will surely much to talk about.
Visit this blog: los documentos secrets about TTIP filtered.
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