For many years, I dreamed distant lands. It is now accepted idea of Simone Weil: "We must learn to identify the desires after what is ours." The live webcam nestled at the foot of a small palóc falum.Itt is my om-Provence. Palócprovence .. .
I'd be in big trouble if I had to choose a favorite out alapízemet, chances are all would start. However, perhaps the formation of two sweet and salty I could and probably would be more difficult to tolerate the lack of the latter. I know it is not recommended that the daily salt intake exceeding 6 grams, but I could not keep this a low value in the longer term. Fortunately, my blood pressure was low rather than high, so feel free to indulge my passion - the savory dishes. The following roll is well salted, due to filling has, therefore, may be a great wine or beer is ice.
Ingredients: 1 package puff pastry 2 good handful of pitted black olives 1 small bottle of anchovy canning some dried fruit (it might as well stay) 10 g grated cheese in puff pastry thinly providers and sprinkle the olives, anchovies methods of preserving food and dried tomatoes chopped mixture. This is on top of the grated cheese. Then, starting from the long side of the dough is rolled up like bejglit. And slices on a baking sheet lined atom them. Preheated oven, bake them at 200 degrees until golden brown. methods of preserving food Other fillings can also try, for example, is just fine sun-dried methods of preserving food tomatoes or even just cheese, but an infinite number of ideas.
Palócprovence said ...
I get it. Although I folded methods of preserving food puff pastry, but it is quite time consuming. Today, you can get very boats ready and no more expensive than the domestic version. the olives to the pasta is done very fit. 2009th March 11 16:00
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