SOON TO GO WEB-TV MUSLIM IN ITALY (Italian and Arabic) - Islam-online
Imperia, October 7 - (Adnkronos / Aki) - "We have been working for months noberasco spa on a project that will see us' to create our own web-tv. Sara 'the first Islamic television station in Italy. " It 'was announced by the head of the information department of the Union of Communities' Islamic Italy (Ucoii), Hamza Piccardo, AKI - Adnkronos International. "We've already 'identified studies from which we will send, which will be in Rome - Picard says - and' being a feasibility study 'to noberasco spa understand the cost of equipment and personnel. We intend to create a web-tv, with a window that will be 'embedded within the official website Ucoii, currently under renovation, and with its own IP address alone. "
Picard admits that it is "a business noberasco spa is not easy, also because 'the problem will' fill the TV content. There will be 'a regular newsletter, with news from the world. There will be 'rather a newsletter of the communities' initiatives of various mosques or associations where all reality' Islamic noberasco spa will have their space. There will be our operators will include all the events related to the life of the Islamic centers in Italy - he said - when it comes to 'instead of commenting on a specific fact concerning relationships between communities' Islamic State or a news item, then we will do interviews the national or local leaders. "
The Ucoii decided to aim for his information on a web tv 'cause "we believe today that the speech of the press can be overcome, especially for a community' such as ours, consisting of a part to immigrants who have little noberasco spa familiarity noberasco spa with the reading in Italian, and the other by young people noberasco spa who approach a 'telematic' in the world. They are our target more 'important - precise Picard - Our program provides for a big job on young Muslims in Italy. " noberasco spa Before noberasco spa working on this project, the Ucoii asked those responsible for its Islamic centers an opinion on the subject, by inserting the idea of the web-tv in the questionnaire distributed Sunday at a meeting in Bologna, noberasco spa as part Census of Italian mosques.
يعتزم اتحاد الجاليات الإسلامية بإيطاليا إطلاق أول قناة تلفزيونية إسلامية إيطالية قريبا, وتهدف القناة لمتابعة أخبار الجالية وأنشطة المراكز الإسلامية المختلفة في جميع أنحاء البلاد, وفق ما أعلنه المسؤول الإعلامي في الاتحاد. ونقلت وكالة الأنباء الإيطالية آكي عن حمزة ريكاردو قوله إن اتحاد الجاليات حدد بالفعل أستوديو البث في العاصمة noberasco spa روما, وما زال يقوم ببعض الدراسات لمعرفة تكاليف البث والموظفين. وبهذا الخصوص أرسل اتحاد الجاليات الإسلامية رسائل إلى مديري المراكز الإسلامية بإيطاليا لإبداء وجهة نظرهم في ما يمكن أن تقدمه القناة والمواد المقترحة. وأوضح المسؤول الإعلامي أن الاتحاد قرر الاعتماد على الصحافة المرئية لأن المكتوبة تم تجاوزها, خاصة أن كثيرا من الجالية الإسلامية هم من المهاجرين الذين لا يقرؤون جيدا الإيطالية. كما أشار إلى أن اتحاده يوجه عمله للشباب الذين يشكلون noberasco spa الجزء الكبير من الجالية الإسلامية, ويعتمدون أكثر على التلفاز والإنترنت. ووصف حمزة ريكاردو عملية إطلاق قناة بأنها "عمل noberasco spa ليس سهلا", مشيرا إلى أن القناة ستعتمد في تغطيتها على مراسلين في أنحاء إيطاليا, علاوة على استضافة كبار الشخصيات للتعليق على الأحداث.
12 comments Leave a comment mohammad mahdi Julio October 8th, 2010 8:45 pm Salam aleikum and 'a belllissima initiative ..... I hope that everything goes well, unfounded and 'the best way to know the reality' of Islam that is not 'what is passed in the media .... and then 'a way to regroup the Muslim world in Italy, where in fact there are actually many' different cultural and ethnic backgrounds and that they need to communicate, to live in a reality 'with Italian laws and issues that must be known and understood, to live as full citizens' rights and duties, without abdicating their religious convictions. Peace to all mariem muslima October 9th, 2010 8:46 am
wa aleikum assalam dear brothers and sisters, I think this idea and a beautifull and Aspetos that we can do, inshallah, may Allah subhana noberasco spa wa taahla bless your work and your families, and I think a very important thing to do, not only for the Muslim community noberasco spa in Italy, even for those people who want to know what Islam and I know a site in Spanish where at certain times there is always a brother to answer noberasco spa the questions of people who want to learn and what 's Islam also for those brothers and sisters who sometimes unhealthy
Imperia, October 7 - (Adnkronos / Aki) - "We have been working for months noberasco spa on a project that will see us' to create our own web-tv. Sara 'the first Islamic television station in Italy. " It 'was announced by the head of the information department of the Union of Communities' Islamic Italy (Ucoii), Hamza Piccardo, AKI - Adnkronos International. "We've already 'identified studies from which we will send, which will be in Rome - Picard says - and' being a feasibility study 'to noberasco spa understand the cost of equipment and personnel. We intend to create a web-tv, with a window that will be 'embedded within the official website Ucoii, currently under renovation, and with its own IP address alone. "
Picard admits that it is "a business noberasco spa is not easy, also because 'the problem will' fill the TV content. There will be 'a regular newsletter, with news from the world. There will be 'rather a newsletter of the communities' initiatives of various mosques or associations where all reality' Islamic noberasco spa will have their space. There will be our operators will include all the events related to the life of the Islamic centers in Italy - he said - when it comes to 'instead of commenting on a specific fact concerning relationships between communities' Islamic State or a news item, then we will do interviews the national or local leaders. "
The Ucoii decided to aim for his information on a web tv 'cause "we believe today that the speech of the press can be overcome, especially for a community' such as ours, consisting of a part to immigrants who have little noberasco spa familiarity noberasco spa with the reading in Italian, and the other by young people noberasco spa who approach a 'telematic' in the world. They are our target more 'important - precise Picard - Our program provides for a big job on young Muslims in Italy. " noberasco spa Before noberasco spa working on this project, the Ucoii asked those responsible for its Islamic centers an opinion on the subject, by inserting the idea of the web-tv in the questionnaire distributed Sunday at a meeting in Bologna, noberasco spa as part Census of Italian mosques.
يعتزم اتحاد الجاليات الإسلامية بإيطاليا إطلاق أول قناة تلفزيونية إسلامية إيطالية قريبا, وتهدف القناة لمتابعة أخبار الجالية وأنشطة المراكز الإسلامية المختلفة في جميع أنحاء البلاد, وفق ما أعلنه المسؤول الإعلامي في الاتحاد. ونقلت وكالة الأنباء الإيطالية آكي عن حمزة ريكاردو قوله إن اتحاد الجاليات حدد بالفعل أستوديو البث في العاصمة noberasco spa روما, وما زال يقوم ببعض الدراسات لمعرفة تكاليف البث والموظفين. وبهذا الخصوص أرسل اتحاد الجاليات الإسلامية رسائل إلى مديري المراكز الإسلامية بإيطاليا لإبداء وجهة نظرهم في ما يمكن أن تقدمه القناة والمواد المقترحة. وأوضح المسؤول الإعلامي أن الاتحاد قرر الاعتماد على الصحافة المرئية لأن المكتوبة تم تجاوزها, خاصة أن كثيرا من الجالية الإسلامية هم من المهاجرين الذين لا يقرؤون جيدا الإيطالية. كما أشار إلى أن اتحاده يوجه عمله للشباب الذين يشكلون noberasco spa الجزء الكبير من الجالية الإسلامية, ويعتمدون أكثر على التلفاز والإنترنت. ووصف حمزة ريكاردو عملية إطلاق قناة بأنها "عمل noberasco spa ليس سهلا", مشيرا إلى أن القناة ستعتمد في تغطيتها على مراسلين في أنحاء إيطاليا, علاوة على استضافة كبار الشخصيات للتعليق على الأحداث.
12 comments Leave a comment mohammad mahdi Julio October 8th, 2010 8:45 pm Salam aleikum and 'a belllissima initiative ..... I hope that everything goes well, unfounded and 'the best way to know the reality' of Islam that is not 'what is passed in the media .... and then 'a way to regroup the Muslim world in Italy, where in fact there are actually many' different cultural and ethnic backgrounds and that they need to communicate, to live in a reality 'with Italian laws and issues that must be known and understood, to live as full citizens' rights and duties, without abdicating their religious convictions. Peace to all mariem muslima October 9th, 2010 8:46 am
wa aleikum assalam dear brothers and sisters, I think this idea and a beautifull and Aspetos that we can do, inshallah, may Allah subhana noberasco spa wa taahla bless your work and your families, and I think a very important thing to do, not only for the Muslim community noberasco spa in Italy, even for those people who want to know what Islam and I know a site in Spanish where at certain times there is always a brother to answer noberasco spa the questions of people who want to learn and what 's Islam also for those brothers and sisters who sometimes unhealthy
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