Storage of breast milk | Bravi Children
If you're still breastfeeding and you have to go back to work or are looking for more flexibility're nanotechnology in food packaging probably considering using a breast pump. Once you have extracted the milk so it is important to know how to preserve its properties and how to keep your "milk expressed."
What kind of container should I use to store breast milk? Before touching the milk in any way wash your hands with soap and water, then store it in a clean glass container that has a cap of hard plastic. You can also use the special plastic bags are designed specifically to hold the breast milk (and sometimes also attach directly to breast pumps), remember, however, that the product inside them save less because they may leak or contamination much more easily than with containers "solid." For more protection you could put the bags in a milk container food container that can be closed watertight.
Be sure to keep the milk drawn on different days in separate containers.
Consider these guidelines: nanotechnology in food packaging Ambient temperature: fresh breast milk can be kept in this condition for a maximum of six hours. If you do not want to use it in that period of time and the room is very hot moves the milk in a thermal container in the refrigerator or freezer.
Cooler Bag: The milk just pulled can be kept in a cooler with ice packs for about a day. Then use the milk in containers or transfer it to put in the freezer or fridge.
Refrigerator: Breast milk can be kept fresh on the bottom of the fridge is not at the door, from five to eight days (Note: the bottom of the fridge because there is less exposed to any temperature changes when you open and close the door).
Freezer: You must be careful because there are some refrigerators that have the freezer placed inside the refrigerator (so you will have a single port) and more modern ones which instead have a separate counter nanotechnology in food packaging with the tanks / freezer compartments. nanotechnology in food packaging The fresh breast milk can be stored in freezers that are placed inside the refrigerator for a period of two weeks in cold storage for about 6 months (some say even 12 months, but if you think about it, keep frozen any food for a year is not so normal ... J). Always place the milk on the back of the freezer and not in front of the door to the above reasons.
Breast milk has just pulled the best way to nutritre your child when you're tired. Yet some research suggests that the longer you keep the milk (both in the fridge and in the freezer) the greater the loss of vitamin nanotechnology in food packaging C.
Other studies have shown that freeze beyond two days could inhibit the bactericidal property nanotechnology in food packaging and which has the long term could lose the fat quota benefits. It 'also important to know that breast milk will no longer be so complete as to meet all the needs of the child as the months pass.
Thaw always the oldest. Just put the frozen container in the refrigerator the night before using it. It is also possible to melt it gently placing it under water or in a bowl of warm water. Before giving the milk to the baby gently shake the container to mix the most creamy milk that tends to go up during storage. Do not shake vigorously nor mix the milk.
Do not ever thaw at room temperature because this will enable the bacteria to multiply. nanotechnology in food packaging It also does not heat the frozen bottle in the microwave nor of flame. Some parts of milk in this way may become too hot and others too cold. Some research suggests that warm it quickly change the antibodies it contains.
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Categories Freewheeling nanotechnology in food packaging Children Gemini Curiosity Rhymes Young writers [+] The diary of Alexander's Diary The Diary of Matthew Daddy [+] The Diary of Foffo The Diary of Joseph's Diary The Diary of Rocky Stefano's Diary Zunarg Diaries of mothers [+] Diaries Archive 2008 [-] The Diary of Sissi's diary Erika's Diary The Diary of Ery Manuela Diaries Archive 2009 [-] The Diary of Alberta Alessia's nanotechnology in food packaging Diary The Diary of Alice's Diary Angy Annamaria's Diary The Diary of Arianna's Diary Arimans The Diary of Ary's Diary The Diary of Banana Brunella The Diary of Catherine's diary Dolce_Cuore78 The Diary of Erica She's nanotechnology in food packaging Diary The Diary of Fabiana's Diary The Federica Francy's diary diary Giovann
If you're still breastfeeding and you have to go back to work or are looking for more flexibility're nanotechnology in food packaging probably considering using a breast pump. Once you have extracted the milk so it is important to know how to preserve its properties and how to keep your "milk expressed."
What kind of container should I use to store breast milk? Before touching the milk in any way wash your hands with soap and water, then store it in a clean glass container that has a cap of hard plastic. You can also use the special plastic bags are designed specifically to hold the breast milk (and sometimes also attach directly to breast pumps), remember, however, that the product inside them save less because they may leak or contamination much more easily than with containers "solid." For more protection you could put the bags in a milk container food container that can be closed watertight.
Be sure to keep the milk drawn on different days in separate containers.
Consider these guidelines: nanotechnology in food packaging Ambient temperature: fresh breast milk can be kept in this condition for a maximum of six hours. If you do not want to use it in that period of time and the room is very hot moves the milk in a thermal container in the refrigerator or freezer.
Cooler Bag: The milk just pulled can be kept in a cooler with ice packs for about a day. Then use the milk in containers or transfer it to put in the freezer or fridge.
Refrigerator: Breast milk can be kept fresh on the bottom of the fridge is not at the door, from five to eight days (Note: the bottom of the fridge because there is less exposed to any temperature changes when you open and close the door).
Freezer: You must be careful because there are some refrigerators that have the freezer placed inside the refrigerator (so you will have a single port) and more modern ones which instead have a separate counter nanotechnology in food packaging with the tanks / freezer compartments. nanotechnology in food packaging The fresh breast milk can be stored in freezers that are placed inside the refrigerator for a period of two weeks in cold storage for about 6 months (some say even 12 months, but if you think about it, keep frozen any food for a year is not so normal ... J). Always place the milk on the back of the freezer and not in front of the door to the above reasons.
Breast milk has just pulled the best way to nutritre your child when you're tired. Yet some research suggests that the longer you keep the milk (both in the fridge and in the freezer) the greater the loss of vitamin nanotechnology in food packaging C.
Other studies have shown that freeze beyond two days could inhibit the bactericidal property nanotechnology in food packaging and which has the long term could lose the fat quota benefits. It 'also important to know that breast milk will no longer be so complete as to meet all the needs of the child as the months pass.
Thaw always the oldest. Just put the frozen container in the refrigerator the night before using it. It is also possible to melt it gently placing it under water or in a bowl of warm water. Before giving the milk to the baby gently shake the container to mix the most creamy milk that tends to go up during storage. Do not shake vigorously nor mix the milk.
Do not ever thaw at room temperature because this will enable the bacteria to multiply. nanotechnology in food packaging It also does not heat the frozen bottle in the microwave nor of flame. Some parts of milk in this way may become too hot and others too cold. Some research suggests that warm it quickly change the antibodies it contains.
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Categories Freewheeling nanotechnology in food packaging Children Gemini Curiosity Rhymes Young writers [+] The diary of Alexander's Diary The Diary of Matthew Daddy [+] The Diary of Foffo The Diary of Joseph's Diary The Diary of Rocky Stefano's Diary Zunarg Diaries of mothers [+] Diaries Archive 2008 [-] The Diary of Sissi's diary Erika's Diary The Diary of Ery Manuela Diaries Archive 2009 [-] The Diary of Alberta Alessia's nanotechnology in food packaging Diary The Diary of Alice's Diary Angy Annamaria's Diary The Diary of Arianna's Diary Arimans The Diary of Ary's Diary The Diary of Banana Brunella The Diary of Catherine's diary Dolce_Cuore78 The Diary of Erica She's nanotechnology in food packaging Diary The Diary of Fabiana's Diary The Federica Francy's diary diary Giovann
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