Saturday, October 5, 2013

Iran Mondo è un blog a cura di Ali Reza Jalali, studioso e saggista, sull

Iran Mondo è un blog a cura di Ali Reza Jalali, studioso e saggista, sull'Iran e il Medio Oriente. Gli articoli non rappresentano necessariamente il pensiero del curatore, olive tree buffet a meno che non siano firmati, ma sono uno spunto per la riflessione.
With the end of the Cold War decline in the political left in the world got transformations are not free of opportunism in Africa and the Arab world, while grown left remarkably in Latin America remained olive tree buffet uncertain in Europe and turn left Socialist Party to almost right except cope with labor unions and minorities either communist parties has ended with the the end of the Soviet Union has been unable to deal with the new stage after it was strikingly present in the political life in France and Italy. olive tree buffet Among the leftist movements of socialism emerging in Italy movement: the state and power, "Among the most prominent leaders Stefano Baleanora exceeded this movement dictations media policy in the West toward Western policy as competing politicians and media to demonize Iran, Hezbollah and the praise of Israel and the silence on the violation of international laws and Hkerk rights, not least to participate in the international olive tree buffet war to topple the Syrian regime. "state power" address to NATO and raise the issue of nuclear proliferation American in Europe and supports the Palestinian people's struggle and Tdafan Iran's rights and supports the Syrian regime against World War terror being waged upon it really is striking in this time where the policy has become commodity Consumer bought and sold to those who have the money, when it wakes voice of conscience olive tree buffet in Italy and tops demanding the right no more no less. Remarkably, in this movement approach to religion, which failed communist Ivlk was working Anhiarhatcol movement: Do not promote religion, but we respect the religious sentiments and support the religious communities that are fighting imperialism and liberalism in the following interview with the leader of the movement Stefano Baleanora a state and power are activities many years ago in various aspects of political and social life in Italy and her site "socialism" on the internet. This could be a group anti-imperialist political but unique to some features are first of everything-oriented European Asian and clear and very strong. contacted Mr. Stefano Bonilore and we raised him some questions about the group and its activities. Q: Mr. Bonilore We would like to know more about عقيدتكم and فكركم, it is stated in the policy statement for "state power" many references to socialism Do you disagree Marxism with regard to religion? Will the group's positive attitude toward religious traditions? How do you reconcile the different opinions on this subject? A: In our religious sentiments are not separate from the ideology of socialism even in its Marxist-Leninist needed a long time to explain this idea. but spirituality is boost the value and positive, which like all affect the inside man (a reference to the principle of Zoitsch). possible to work in nature and you're at peace with it. Communist leader Zyuganov price principle Heritage orthodox of the country (he did Stalin same thing in 1943 during World War II). is generally not based in our activities to promote religion but respect the spiritual olive tree buffet traditions and we honestly support the religious communities that play an important role in countries that are under attack from imperialism and liberal. Q: I activities, many in the past few weeks, and launched a petition requesting from Italy to withdraw from the "Pact Atlantic. "Do you think that this is unrealistic, because of the American military presence on Italian territory? A: We call for the rejection of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization, not only from Italy but from all of Europe. We want the unity of Europe, but not under the sovereignty of America. should have a European military force independent, perhaps allied with the countries of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization. ironic to think that defense spending in Europe at the present time is half total budget of the United States, but its military is still very far away is not just about American military power, but about Russian armies and Chinese also It is also relevant budgets defensive low. therefore believe that the European countries to reorganize their ideas and thinking in new and different from the construction of military force and use their budgets for other reasons, a far cry from American interests all over the world, but we consider re-work military service mandatory for every citizen olive tree buffet might be a positive step. Naturally, we must unite forces European military, however, this would not be possible, because Europe will witness a cultural renaissance to regain consciousness olive tree buffet and its role in the world. should understand public opinion in Europe that the fate of our continent is determined the restoration of sovereignty missing Q: We are close to the election to form a new parliament in Italy, what is your position? A: We as a movement, "state power," we do not support any of the political forces that will participate in the elections. however can not condemn those citizens who choose ballots movements that oppose the political direction followed by former Prime Minister "Mario Monti." We have to remember, in all cases that "Mario Monti" (directly or indirectly) to take part in the government's political future, and its agenda will be followed by every political force is ready to rule our country . people are well aware of this fact, they have no illusions olive tree buffet about our government in the future. do not have any references political in the main political parties, because no one really olive tree buffet wants to regain full sovereignty olive tree buffet of the Italian and European, and this is our main focus. Q: Now we can discuss other activities "State and power." In recent years you have a movement in many activities olive tree buffet to educate the

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