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Approximately 10 ounces (8 soup spoons) walnuts Soak in salt water for several hours (min 12 max 36 hours) / I am the night soaked in and the next morning I saw her pie making. / The soaked Dió pour out the water (if strong water jet During yet is flushed, the more diószemről automatically detaches from the thin cellulose membrane, which to my knowledge anyway we could digest) of walnuts grated Grate (maybe coffee grinder or shredder is,. causes right to file, that the file tiny holes collected most of the cellulose membrane, so it will not be included in the mash) mash the nuts put into a suitable mixing, methods of preservation of food high-sided dish, add about. 15-20 ounces of water rinsed olives (available in Lidl Baresi, weighing 490 grams with filling, bottled, green olives, pates ennyiből could take 3 times.) Fresh basil leaves can do it (I have a penny tiled on top of the branches fresh shoots with 4-5 leaves 3-4 was used) and / or parsley 4 tablespoons methods of preservation of food olive oil, 1 tablespoon of coconut oil is a mixture of salt, coriander powder with or to taste other spices can add it all blended together and Terms of box store in a refrigerator
Easy to use - hiking, picnics, for example. Without eggs, low temperature, especially lenmaglisztet and 3 mm thick, flat bread with caraway seeds other flours (plus 1-2 tablespoon of water and fat / oil) lubricated, and other paleo breads
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