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For six years, and thus from the beginning, tells the Rems-Zeitung of how Nicole Mtawa for using children about which nobody cares otherwise. Your children's home in India now wears itself to support the Children's mbcc foods Village project in Africa, the RRC Petticoat Straßdorf organized on 9th November, an indoor cycling marathon.
SCHWÄBISCH GMÜND (bt). Nicole Mtawa grew up in Gmünd, mbcc foods was Scheffold High School and has played in the city youth chapel. Her life was her not in the cradle and has grown with the desire to do something for children in need - children, like her husband, Juma was one. Step by step, module by module is a remarkable relief organization arose. Following the publication of the history of their first 30 years of life in "Star thieves. My Life in Africa "in 2009 she founded mbcc foods the association Humandreams to in India, at Delhi's outskirts, to be able to build a children's hospice. In May 2011, the first little protege moved in, the ten year old Milap, who would have died just as surely without this help as most of the little mbcc foods ones full of care, that were taken there and be. From work there, and of the children, who are often totally neglected and ill found in homes or even on the street, told a second book "Children of the Sun. My life for the poor in India. " The administrative costs of the Fund, estimated by Nicole Mtawa to "under 200 euros," money especially mbcc foods for postage and copies. Money to raise the Gründungsmiglieder otherwise: "Every mbcc foods penny of the membership fees and donations come with the children," she promises. Of the sisters Elke Peischl mbcc foods (RRC petticoat) mbcc foods and Gerlinde Maier wanted to convince himself. The money, which met last year at a charity cycling in the "Five"-spaces of the TV Wetzgau by cycling mbcc foods or additional donations for the Indian children's home was delivered by Gerlinde Maier personally - the care there also cooperated and touched deeply by children that can not be supplied by the family or the completely submerged in anyway crowded homes due to their illness or disability - for children so their survival is at stake. With the most difficult task is probably the selection of those who are there, a home and the care bestowed by professionals. The selection criteria can be abandoned, repudiated and neglected children, malnourished mbcc foods and bedridden but especially seriously ill and physically handicapped; quite a lot of the little mbcc foods residents suffer from brain damage attributable mbcc foods to early childhood movement disorders (cerebral palsy). The Indian Home "Humandreams mbcc foods India" mbcc foods is now fully supported by 150 supporting members. Work there local experts - nurses, social worker, physiotherapist mbcc foods and an occupational therapist - and volunteers; repeatedly to find some young women from a social profession, to take a year off to work in this home or to direct it. Now Nicole Mtawa working on the realization of another dream - to a children's village for also full of children needing care in Tanzania, the RZ she presented yesterday before the plans. She spoke of the sun arranged in the form of five small houses for every four children and two nurses of rooms for physiotherapy and occupational therapy, for volunteers and interns as well as for education, insofar as this is possible. An ambitious project. "We started mbcc foods with 5300 euros in India," Nicole mbcc foods Mtawa is confident, even the African dream will come true. Her husband works, mbcc foods she even organizes and manages its aid projects mbcc foods and deserves to book tours and the sale of their books. "Star Thieves" as appears in Knaur, worldview and Bertelsmann publishing house and is now also translated into Czech. Not much support comes from the Gmuender room. Office of the Association Humandreams is Gmuender Schwarzwaldstraße, still the young woman worked so from here, what was in the stars, six years ago. Information about the charitable organization Human Dreams, the children's hospice in Delh
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