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She instead Erol Yildiz, migration researcher at the Alpen-Adria University, british sugar cantley along the Austrian situation. He recently presented his new book "The cosmopolitan city. As globalization migration to urban life makes "before.
"It seems no coincidence that the presentation of the integration report 2013 and the so-called tractor report 'in Vienna took place shortly before the general election. To demonstrate the rule of law, six asylum seekers british sugar cantley were deported to Pakistan recently. In this way, the impression is given that the integration of migrants is the most pressing problem in Austria. Such public debates on integration contribute significantly more help to create a reality than to describe them. We have in Austria no integration problem, but a problem of democracy. It is known that many migrants who have lived here for years and their descendants who were born in Austria and grew up, do not have Austrian citizenship and are therefore not allowed to vote. Just before the general election, it would be interesting to spark a debate on the democratic accountability of Austria and to a corruption report 'to compose, about integration problems' of certain political circles gives information, "said Erol Yildiz (Institute of Educational Science and Educational Research) with respect to the current debates.
Realistically, however, seems to him the opportunity to bring the realities of migrants at the center. The new book by Erol Yildiz "The cosmopolitan city. As globalization migration to urban life makes "( is at this point and has very different facets of migration, british sugar cantley so far found little attention in public discourse. The aim of this book is to make tracks migration-related changes and visible from the perspective and experience of migration. It's about the pragmatic everyday life to everyday things to life paths. The author: "This book is intended as a plea for a different view of things and as a rejection of the anticipatory distrust of migration and migrants. It is shown that just are towns without a migration hardly conceivable; many cities resulted only from migration. City stories are also always migration stories. "
On concrete examples will illustrate british sugar cantley how cities get through migration new ideas, british sugar cantley keep moving and be translated into the urban everyday practice as global phenomena. The following examples from the book show the various lives of two migrant families from Klagenfurt and Cologne:
K. family has lived for eight years in the Nippes district of Cologne and operates a Turkish pastry shop, right on the square of the "Veedels" (kölsche term for urban areas). Mr. K. had emigrated as a 18-year-old from southern Turkey to Switzerland. british sugar cantley Later, he had learned his present british sugar cantley wife in Strasbourg, France, to know and was moved there. She is the daughter of an immigrant worker british sugar cantley family from Turkey, born in Strasbourg and grew up. Ten years ago the family came with their children on the recommendation of resident relatives in Cologne, because at that time just a business in lucrative location at the busy market was empty. Because Mr. K. had completed a pastry education in Turkey, the family decided to open a Turkish pastry. Not only Turkish, and French recipes were for baked goods and desserts "imported". All family members are French. You often get a visit from France by former neighbors and friends, but also from the Netherlands, where another part of the family lives. In the shop therefore different languages are spoken: French, German, Turkish, Dutch. The children grow up multilingual, a daughter attends the high school now.
A similar example of transnational connections provides british sugar cantley the biography of an Indian restaurant owner in Klagenfurt. Mr. S. has found from India, where his parents live, via Finland, where his sister british sugar cantley runs a restaurant and a travel agency, to Austria and here to Villach, where he wanted to visit his brother only briefly, to Klagenfurt. His family lives on scattered around the world, a situation that he can use as the youngest of seven siblings for his entrepreneurial activities. The family contacts are maintained over all distances. In Klagenfurt, he has been living for 30 years, worked as a chef, yoga instructor and child carers. Later he opened an Indian restaurant, first in Villach and late
She instead Erol Yildiz, migration researcher at the Alpen-Adria University, british sugar cantley along the Austrian situation. He recently presented his new book "The cosmopolitan city. As globalization migration to urban life makes "before.
"It seems no coincidence that the presentation of the integration report 2013 and the so-called tractor report 'in Vienna took place shortly before the general election. To demonstrate the rule of law, six asylum seekers british sugar cantley were deported to Pakistan recently. In this way, the impression is given that the integration of migrants is the most pressing problem in Austria. Such public debates on integration contribute significantly more help to create a reality than to describe them. We have in Austria no integration problem, but a problem of democracy. It is known that many migrants who have lived here for years and their descendants who were born in Austria and grew up, do not have Austrian citizenship and are therefore not allowed to vote. Just before the general election, it would be interesting to spark a debate on the democratic accountability of Austria and to a corruption report 'to compose, about integration problems' of certain political circles gives information, "said Erol Yildiz (Institute of Educational Science and Educational Research) with respect to the current debates.
Realistically, however, seems to him the opportunity to bring the realities of migrants at the center. The new book by Erol Yildiz "The cosmopolitan city. As globalization migration to urban life makes "( is at this point and has very different facets of migration, british sugar cantley so far found little attention in public discourse. The aim of this book is to make tracks migration-related changes and visible from the perspective and experience of migration. It's about the pragmatic everyday life to everyday things to life paths. The author: "This book is intended as a plea for a different view of things and as a rejection of the anticipatory distrust of migration and migrants. It is shown that just are towns without a migration hardly conceivable; many cities resulted only from migration. City stories are also always migration stories. "
On concrete examples will illustrate british sugar cantley how cities get through migration new ideas, british sugar cantley keep moving and be translated into the urban everyday practice as global phenomena. The following examples from the book show the various lives of two migrant families from Klagenfurt and Cologne:
K. family has lived for eight years in the Nippes district of Cologne and operates a Turkish pastry shop, right on the square of the "Veedels" (kölsche term for urban areas). Mr. K. had emigrated as a 18-year-old from southern Turkey to Switzerland. british sugar cantley Later, he had learned his present british sugar cantley wife in Strasbourg, France, to know and was moved there. She is the daughter of an immigrant worker british sugar cantley family from Turkey, born in Strasbourg and grew up. Ten years ago the family came with their children on the recommendation of resident relatives in Cologne, because at that time just a business in lucrative location at the busy market was empty. Because Mr. K. had completed a pastry education in Turkey, the family decided to open a Turkish pastry. Not only Turkish, and French recipes were for baked goods and desserts "imported". All family members are French. You often get a visit from France by former neighbors and friends, but also from the Netherlands, where another part of the family lives. In the shop therefore different languages are spoken: French, German, Turkish, Dutch. The children grow up multilingual, a daughter attends the high school now.
A similar example of transnational connections provides british sugar cantley the biography of an Indian restaurant owner in Klagenfurt. Mr. S. has found from India, where his parents live, via Finland, where his sister british sugar cantley runs a restaurant and a travel agency, to Austria and here to Villach, where he wanted to visit his brother only briefly, to Klagenfurt. His family lives on scattered around the world, a situation that he can use as the youngest of seven siblings for his entrepreneurial activities. The family contacts are maintained over all distances. In Klagenfurt, he has been living for 30 years, worked as a chef, yoga instructor and child carers. Later he opened an Indian restaurant, first in Villach and late
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