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India is a country with many faces. Luxury villas mixed with kennels at stinking dumps. City Pulse is in contrast to the rural poor. Beggars and businessmen share the space on the streets. And this country will drive global growth smithfield pool in the future, we hope many economists, not least in terms of commodity smithfield pool prices.
I ndia is a land of contrasts. In a suburb of the city of Dehradun in northern India, smithfield pool below the Himalayas, it almost feels like you are in a rich suburb in Sweden, including fine homes and their swimming pools. Admittedly, there are also major differences, such as cows lying on the roads, bike trailers on which people sit on the knee of one another on their way to the nearest town and women in colorful creations far from the Swedish caffe latte parents in the past from Filippa K. A few meters from lyxområdet is additionally a stinking rubbish tip, where the Dalits live in huts.
By train you can in a day or go west to Chandigarh, a city that was planned until 1947, when India gained independence from Britain. The city's architecture is inspired by the French-Swiss architect Corbusier, meaning hotel happily situated in a square concrete box with no windows. On the street can not see a woman, and the feeling is almost hostile to Western women.
Fast can you fly to Mumbai or Bangalore city pulse. It's said that wages and productivity is rising faster in Bangalore than in the U.S. Silicon Valley, and it feels as if it where the dump in Dehradun belonging to another country when in Bangalore could go into shops clad in marble and the air conditioning on helvarv. Not to mention the contrast of Kerala in southwest India, where the population along the coast largely made up of fishermen, an Ayurvedic lifestyle attracts tourists and urban stress is gone.
When India has been mentioned in the media in recent times, it has been without the colorful smithfield pool hues; foremost, there has been the occasion of a sharply weaker currency, price declines in the stock market, corruption, gang rape or husras. In addition, the State Department warns tourists for terrorist acts directed against Westerners. Many also terrorist attacks in Mumbai five years ago in memory.
Last year, the index of the 500 largest companies in India, BSE 500, with around 30 percent smithfield pool in local currency. This does not say much when currencies fluctuate so greatly. smithfield pool India's economic smithfield pool growth rate is still one of the highest in the world, but it has slowed down, and the space for stimulus is limited by large budget deficits and high inflation, which according to poll in August stood at 9.5 percent.
Food prices in India rose by 18.2 percent smithfield pool in August, the fastest increase in three years, which could have devastating consequences for the poorest - for which a large part of their disposable income goes to food. It is not a coincidence that the former Prime Minister Indira smithfield pool Gandhi regained power in large part by making the price of one of the main staple, onions, a matter of choice.
Since January, Bombay Stock Exchange lost almost half of last year's rise, and India's currency has during the summer lost nearly a fifth of its value against the krona. Today it costs a rupee 10 cents, in 2010 it cost 17 cents. The stock market decline during the summer was due in large part to large outflows from emerging markets smithfield pool in general, after the U.S. central bank, Ben Bernanke, in late May had begun to talk about de-escalation of the Bank's smithfield pool support purchases of bonds.
- It would mean more expensive dollar funding and would therefore make it more difficult for emerging markets like India to finance its budget deficit, says Swedbank analyst Hans Gustafson smithfield pool price declines.
Not least helped civil war in Syria that the global risk appetite waned. But Aktiespararen in September of gazing into the horizon beyond all horrors and picked up a India Fund in its long fund portfolio - hoping to hit a bottom. In September, the fund up by 9 per cent in Swedish kronor, which is average for all India funds.
Great confidence was also added to India's new central bank governor, Raghuram Rajan, who took office in early September after a career including senior advisor at India's finance ministry and chief economist at the IMF.
- The first thing he did was to raise interest rates to stop inflation. This makes the consumers in the country to losers and export companies as winners in the short term. The real effective exchange rate, which is the trade-weighted taking into account the differences in inflation to other countries, is at 17-year low. I believe in a strong currency, which benefits the Swedish fund investors with exposure to India. But apart from currency
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