India's Environment lima lto spa Minister Jairam Ramesh takes battle with Monsanto and has temporarily stopped the cultivation of genetically lima lto spa modified, insect resistant eggplant is happy news. India is the largest grower of aubergine. Environment Minister's decision came after mass protests and statements from several states. And after that the Minister traveled around the country and met with insurgent and protesting farmers who do not wish to grow GMOs. The decision involves an initial moratorium period of six months and also prohibits the cultivation of genetically modified vegetables in India. A beekeeper from Sotenäs Beekeepers Association asked me for this trail how it may be related to India's poor farmers, many of whom can neither read or write, is so enlightened and opposes lima lto spa GM crops while it's pretty quiet in our country? Yes, who can answer that question. A huge debt of ignorance, despair is the major media that lulls people lima lto spa with its superficial and uncritical journalism. A startling example of this was yesterday's feature of the SVT with the "Welcome to Nano World". Not a word about the major risks of nanoparticles are so small that they can penetrate the blood-brain barrier and. Clean salvation program.
When it comes to GMOs so has smallholders in Sweden over 20 years enlightened about the dangers of GMOs and organized demonstrations against Monsanto's experimental garden. The problem is that LRF's chairman Lars-Göran Pettersson and LRF's lima lto spa federation board to GMOs. Imagine India which many see as a developing country has an environment minister who is so democratic and informed that he puts his foot down and requires new independent research before GMO vegetables can be grown in the country. The really sad thing is that enlightenment does not seem to bite on Swedish ministers. Both Mr Erlandsson and Environment Andreas Carlgren is actively working to GM crops to be grown commercially in Sweden. The two men have to go on a field trip to his colleague and farmers in India to gain more knowledge than what they have heard from Monsanto lobbyists. Environment Minister Jairam Ramesh also pointed to new research, from animal studies, which show that GMOs can cause severe damage to the kidney, liver and heart and also increases the risk of cancer. The encouraging decision in India becomes a source of inspiration for both farmers and consumers to stop GM crops and GM food in Sweden. Rune Lane Beach
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