Tagalog and English | Dbysmart's Blog
abrogates nullify
affability affability
Both alike
anger outburst
arrow arrow
bacon bacon
beautiful dyagan
bicycle bicycle
blood blood
both alike
bride bride
bucket, pail bucket
cabbage cabbage
Checkers Checkers olive tree hiram
clinging sampid
freezing cold
conductor conductor
police corruption
crazy, insane mad
crunch olive tree hiram crunch olive tree hiram
dangerous hazardous
deflected alignment
diesel oil
discussion discussion
domestic gentle
drink beverages
dumb, dumb mute
eel eels
end end
angry exasperation
face face
fawned anoint
finished finished
flooded flooded
forest olive tree hiram forest
friendly social olive tree hiram
gargle imumug
go! walk
grass weeds
guzzle guzzle
Port harbor
heavy heavy
Hill Hill
housewife housewife
Pumpkin idiot
in in
inflame inflame
intreating begging
Jeer toyain
Him His / hers
Landing pier
Leaps Leap
letter writing
limit boundary
lost, astray astray
Machete mentally
manila manila
meant for reserved
mingling nakikihalo
monkey monkey
Mouse Rat
Napkins Napkins
nevermind hind matter
novelist novelist
on the top surface olive tree hiram
or, or Otherwise
cloak overcoat
sadlakan olive tree hiram panel
passport passport
pepper pepper
Pickaxe Pickaxe
pocket pocket
posture posture
price value
prophesied predicted
push push
Rank linea
rebuffing olive tree hiram rejects
remind remind
grain rice seed
addle rotten
saltiness kaalatan
scenery olive tree hiram landscape
see over dakota
Several are some
shoo! wa!
sick sick
sister-in-law sister-in-law
snout ngusngos
song song
spot, stain stains
still more
stubborn terko
sultry, humid AALINSANGAN
sweetheart oyab
tall high
thanks thanks
think to think
to annoy surahan
to bend turn
SPF to rinse
to lodge deposits
to fall Fall
to give birth birth
to hear hear
to inquire
to keep
to lie down lie down
to need kailanagan
to pour out pour
to rent magupa
smuggled to smuggle
to surrender surrender
to throw hurl
visit to visit
writing to write
topples crash
truant truant
unbalanced. tawisk
upbraiding thieves
violinist violinist
War battle
Adjusted well suited
Whether if
wish wish
yelp suddenly shouting
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abrogates nullify
affability affability
Both alike
anger outburst
arrow arrow
bacon bacon
beautiful dyagan
bicycle bicycle
blood blood
both alike
bride bride
bucket, pail bucket
cabbage cabbage
Checkers Checkers olive tree hiram
clinging sampid
freezing cold
conductor conductor
police corruption
crazy, insane mad
crunch olive tree hiram crunch olive tree hiram
dangerous hazardous
deflected alignment
diesel oil
discussion discussion
domestic gentle
drink beverages
dumb, dumb mute
eel eels
end end
angry exasperation
face face
fawned anoint
finished finished
flooded flooded
forest olive tree hiram forest
friendly social olive tree hiram
gargle imumug
go! walk
grass weeds
guzzle guzzle
Port harbor
heavy heavy
Hill Hill
housewife housewife
Pumpkin idiot
in in
inflame inflame
intreating begging
Jeer toyain
Him His / hers
Landing pier
Leaps Leap
letter writing
limit boundary
lost, astray astray
Machete mentally
manila manila
meant for reserved
mingling nakikihalo
monkey monkey
Mouse Rat
Napkins Napkins
nevermind hind matter
novelist novelist
on the top surface olive tree hiram
or, or Otherwise
cloak overcoat
sadlakan olive tree hiram panel
passport passport
pepper pepper
Pickaxe Pickaxe
pocket pocket
posture posture
price value
prophesied predicted
push push
Rank linea
rebuffing olive tree hiram rejects
remind remind
grain rice seed
addle rotten
saltiness kaalatan
scenery olive tree hiram landscape
see over dakota
Several are some
shoo! wa!
sick sick
sister-in-law sister-in-law
snout ngusngos
song song
spot, stain stains
still more
stubborn terko
sultry, humid AALINSANGAN
sweetheart oyab
tall high
thanks thanks
think to think
to annoy surahan
to bend turn
SPF to rinse
to lodge deposits
to fall Fall
to give birth birth
to hear hear
to inquire
to keep
to lie down lie down
to need kailanagan
to pour out pour
to rent magupa
smuggled to smuggle
to surrender surrender
to throw hurl
visit to visit
writing to write
topples crash
truant truant
unbalanced. tawisk
upbraiding thieves
violinist violinist
War battle
Adjusted well suited
Whether if
wish wish
yelp suddenly shouting
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