Friday, June 6, 2014

the Sun - ardent and persuasive eloquence, vivid expression, gift suggestion; conjunction with the

Name dates back to the Latin word "goods", "trade". Mercury - the closest planet to the Sun. He is rarely in a position convenient for observation - is lost in the blinding light of the sun, and only during periods of greatest elongation (maximum apparent angular distance from the Sun) Mercury becomes visible to the naked eye. However, in these moments, he departs from the sun is not more than 28 degrees, so that this planet is always communicated to watch in the morning or evening twilight. vacuum frying machine The most favorable conditions for the visibility of Mercury repeated every 348 days - almost a year later.
Mercury is responsible for adolescence (more precisely in age from 7 years to 21 years), when the person most capable of learning, showing a strong interest in the educational world. In the midst of this period there is awareness of sexual orientation. vacuum frying machine
Roles: brother, sister, child during adolescence, any teenager, neighbor, friend, friend, peer, relative, colleague, service representative, messenger, employee communications, pupil, student, junior age or social status, the artisan, the mediator, journalist, speaker, writer, speaker, translator, impersonator, juggler, impersonator, doctor, explorer, trader, guide, passer companion.
Events: admission to an educational institution, a short ride, tour, trip, relocation, short meeting (five-minute) presentation (oral or in print), publication, exchange, conversation, meeting, agreement, getting help and information.
Flora. Yarrow, hazel, laurel, honeysuckle, blackberry, madder, verbena, jasmine, privet, tansy, mountain ash, apple, millet, valerian, vacuum frying machine millet, rye, wheat, lettuce, chicory, sandalwood, basil, oregano, parsley, anise, celery , fennel, Pulmonaria, dymyanki, licorice.
Fauna. Animals: Bull elk, dog, pig, rabbit, fox, monkey, hyena, squirrel, vacuum frying machine weasel, snake. Fish: mullet vacuum frying machine ramp. Birds: rooster, stork, parrot thrush nightingale, lark sparrow, spider crane, green woodpecker, swallow, magpie. Insects: beetle, ant, grasshopper, bee.
Physique. In most cases, slim, lean figure tall; head narrow, vacuum frying machine oblong, oval face, high forehead, small chin; brown, vacuum frying machine usually shifty, small eyes; or full lips, small or thin, compressed; in some breast vacuum frying machine - wide with straight vacuum frying machine shoulders, others - flat, with a small drooping shoulders; gait is fast, energetic; some sonorous voice, others - more solid, quiet; it generally fast.
At Gemini type: thin, creative mind. Imaginative and bright, vivid imagination. Successful combination of intuition vacuum frying machine and reason. Awesome curiosity, curiosity, sociability. Liveliness, mobility, oratorical gifts, eloquence, honesty, integrity, generosity and magnanimity. Ingenuity, wit, good memory, agility of mind and dexterity. Scientific vacuum frying machine and artistic skills, ability to adapt quickly to the right people, things, circumstances.
At Virgin type: calm, self-confidence, self-reliance, hope for the best during difficulties. Tact, good self-discipline, self-control, self-control, quickness, methodical, resourcefulness, diligence, diligence. Good adaptability to people and circumstances. Perfectly organized thinking, an excellent memory, apt judgment, the ability of the analyst.
In Type Gemini: impermanence, variability unstable feeling unbalanced spirit indecision. Superficiality, haste, haste, hastiness. Eternal inner restlessness, nervousness, distrust, immodesty, talkativeness, superficiality, distraction. Frivolity. Helplessness. Unscrupulousness.
At Virgin type: eternal inner restlessness, indecision. Nicety, strife, excessive criticality. Selfishness, self-interest. vacuum frying machine Cunning, insincerity, affectations, excessive scruples.
Physiologically vacuum frying machine relevant. Upper extremities: shoulders, arms, hands, and fingers. Respiratory system: trachea, bronchi and lungs. Speech organs. Language. Nervous system. Gastrointestinal tract. All links in the body: the mobility osteoarticular system, coordination of movements, vacuum frying machine the relationship of the peripheral nervous system with central ventilation system. Vishuddha chakra.
Signifitsiruet. News, rumors, important papers, official documents, printed and handwritten materials, stationery, books, paintings, transport, post, telecommunications, media, education, business, short trips, schools, colleges, publishing, printing, trade; dating, teenagers, young people, educated people, relatives, vacuum frying machine brothers, sisters, neighbors, a pickpocket, vacuum frying machine a cheater, a sharpie.
the Sun - ardent and persuasive eloquence, vivid expression, gift suggestion; conjunction with the Sun gives intelligence prisp

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