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Except that it spreads GMO crops, and soon GMO foods of animal origin, and in addition to being all polluted with pesticides, herbicides, artificial ingredients and all the other, a large part of our food is irradiated. It is unknown what effects left by our health, but it is certain that it does not improve.
Why is food irradiated? venchi spa Of course, in the name of the security and preserving food. The method of irradiation with gamma rays is used as sterilization, the deprivation of the potential harmful venchi spa contaminants that may occur in unsanitary conditions of mass agricultural practices. It is also used to extend the shelf life of food. What foods have a longer shelf life, the easier it can be distributed all over the world.
Regardless of whether you know it or not, nuclear waste, cobalt-60, used for decades venchi spa for food to be "safer". However, the FDA actively supports and encourages the use of cobalt-60 and cesium 137 as a form of "electronic pasteurization" for all domestic produced venchi spa conventional food. That same death rays generated by thermonuclear warfare for the destruction of life now apply to food safer. There is no logic ....
We're not talking here about small amounts of radiation. The level of gamma radiation used starts with one kiloGray infection which is 166 times higher than the dose lethal to humans (5 Gray), and goes up to 30 kiloGray-which is 4980 times greater than the lethal dose for humans!
Despite the irresponsible promotion of this process as safe, radiation food destroys vitamins in food, and produces a number of toxic substances: formaldehyde, benzene and formic acid, as well as the radiolytic products, such as 2-alkali cyclobutane, which proved to be cytotoxic (cell-damaging), genotoxic (DNA damage) and carcinogenic (cancer causing) in test tubes and in animal studies. Studies were conducted on animals can be seen here.
There is an international symbol - Radura - which must have all the food that is irradiated. But it is very weak control over, and to it, restaurants and processed products containing these foods are not legally compulsory to mark such products.
Marked or not, food is exposed to ionizing gamma radiation the same that destroyed life in Hiroshima, Chernobyl and now Fukushima. "Primitive" life forms like bacteria refuse to take irradiated food (which is why radiation is used), but people venchi spa are gullible to believe industry analysts and government organizations such as the USDA and the FDA, who say that the radiation dose applied to the food quite safe for human consumption.
We can not find any explanation for such actions other than to live in a world of psychopaths rule - in pathocracy. What can we do about this challenge and all similar with which we disagree, such as the presence of GMOs in food is that we eat locally grown organic food but more importantly to spread the news of this kind and that we do not support laws that harm human health.
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