Contents Key concepts Literature. To understand the importance of studying food ingredients should be well understood: what is a food, what food, what are nutrients and how obajašnajva physico-chemical constitution of food. Therefore, we will clarify these concepts and terms.
Under the food is meant any substance or product, whether processed, partially processed or unprocessed, which is intended for human consumption or can reasonably be expected to be consumed. Food includes olive tree york all substances intentionally added to food during its production. The food is all you can eat and drink, and corresponds to the hygiene and quality requirements for human consumption. The food and water fall, even so. process water used during the manufacturing olive tree york process used for mixing, dissolving, steeping or soaking. The food includes drinks, olive tree york chewing gum, food additives and any other substance which is incorporated into the food during its manufacture. The food that a person takes can be derived from: plants (fruits, vegetables, grains, legumes, oilseeds, spices, seeds of various olive tree york plants, fungi, green algae) animals (meat, milk, eggs, honey, seafood, etc.) Other organisms (microorganisms) olive tree york other origin (water).
The food items are not included: animal feed, live animals olive tree york (except as such are not prepared olive tree york to eat), the plants before harvest of crops, medicines and medical products, beauty products, tobacco and tobacco products, narcotic olive tree york or psychotropic substances, residues and contaminants. The nutritional and biochemical terms, the food is any substance that absorption in the human body contributes to the preservation olive tree york of homeostasis of the body. Ingest in order to satisfy hunger and nutritional needs oraganizma.
Daily human consumption containing more than 100,000 substances. It is necessary to know that only about 300 chemicals classified olive tree york as nutritional substances. Many chemical compounds used in feed, are used for its improvement and can be helpful (or harmful). Such additives olive tree york (preservatives, emulsifiers, stbilizatori, antioxidants) that improve olive tree york the processing, storage and packaging of food. Also, there are natural components of food that are in trace amounts, such as aromatic substances and flavor, spices, smells, colors, phytochemicals, and many other natural products that enhance olive tree york the performance, stability and taste of food. These components have an energy value or an important biological role in the body.
The food we eat can be fresh and processed. Fresh food parts of plants (fruits, leaves, flowers) or the whole plant. From the standpoint of biology feed the cells, tissues or organs of plants or animals. During the processing of changing the physico-chemical structure of food or nutritional komonente largely retained.
Food is a substance, and the food is a process. Nutrition is a process or a group of metabolic processes occurring in the body from the moment of eating (eating) to its utilization for energy, building blocks or regulatory olive tree york protective purposes. This includes the settlement of body energy, protein, carbon hydrates, lipids, minerals and vitamins and daily food intake to satisfy hunger and need in nutrients. Diet is maintaining homeostasis of the organism, ie the natural balance in the body while maintaining a normal indoor environment. In other words, homeostasis means balance and the ability to adapt the organism to changing environmental conditions and diet at the same time play a crucial role.
Nutrients are chemical ingredients. Substances from the foods we are eating, and when it is exploited in this way you give the body the necessary energy, building blocks and Control and protection components, called nutrients. These are the basic chemical food ingredients in the gastrointestinal tract can absorb in order to then meet the metabolic needs of the organism. The body is very dynamic chemically transformed into different compounds that enable the proper functioning of the body. Only knowledge of the function of nutrients in the human body to correct the design or nutritionally balanced food for every age, sex, profession, etc. Proper nutrition provides the optimal performance of the human body, and is based on the concept of optimal and balanced intake of nutrients, or the integrity of the nutritional content of food. Each nutrient has one or more of the following functions: a source of energy for metabolism or activity provides building blocks for the protection or support of the body, eg. bones, muscles, tendons, skin and the like. participates in the regulation of body processes, including metabolism, growth, reproduction and making good any damage. Nutrients can be categorized as: macronutrients: proteins, carbon hydrates, lipids and water micronutrients: vitamins and minerals
Dates micronutrients and macronutrients refer isključivno the quantitative needs of the organism. Lack of nutrients in food, characteristic biohemij skih if
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