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Post has long been known to humankind. For centuries, people have fasted for religious, but also for health reasons. pajatso Have refrained from food to through meditation "purify" your soul, find yourself and closer to God, but also to "clean" your body of harmful substances and maintain their health. pajatso Post is therefore one of the oldest methods of healing and maintaining health. And I was Hippocrates advised that the sick instead of medication your body and soul with fasting cure, moderate pajatso physical activity pajatso and fresh air.
Under the conditions of modern life, in which we are daily under various mental loads and irregular diet, cleansing of toxins accumulated in our body, refraining from food gets more interesting than ever.
As the alcohol, coffee and cigarettes at the time of refraining from food under strict prohibition, the realization that health risks and that without them can only a matter of time. Of course, the post is our body does not relieve the only physiological, but also psychological ballast.
Post includes avoiding common food over a longer or shorter pajatso period for the purposes of physical and mental cleansing and renewal and activation of endogenous potentials pajatso of our body's self-healing. Post while there is absolutely nothing to do with diets which the sole objective of weight loss, and is not based on starvation.
Necessary food for our function instead of food, therefore "outside" draws "from the inside" from its own reserves of our organism. Precisely because the body covered from its internal energy reserves, the man does not feel hungry, but on the contrary, healthy, happy, summer and powerful.
The reasons why it pays to fast are numerous. Primarily, the post is one of the best methods of regulation, purification and renewal and thus preserving the health of digestive system and metabolism, ie. The overall metabolism.
So, fasting the whole body, all the organs and all cells, clean from harmful substances and updated, and it is no wonder that people feel after fasting as "born pajatso again". Likewise fasting trigger potential of the body's self-healing.
Furthermore, as during fasting the heart and circulatory system less burdened, improves breathing and the lungs, and then all the cells of the body faster and better supply oxygen. How do during fasting exploit internal fat reserves, reduce blood cholesterol levels.
Furthermore, firm the skin and connective tissues and alleviating or disappearing migraines, allergies, acne and PMS. As the meaning of fasting is not only the well-being of the body, but to the extent and for the psyche, the positive pajatso effects are also evident in this sphere.
Those who are keen on the post researchers have suggested several options. So for the post you can choose one day a week, the best weekends, you can continue pajatso to fast one week every month or once a year, a month, the best time for holidays or for example Lent.
If you opt for a longer post once a year, never become more than 4 weeks. pajatso When choosing the duration of fasting and its incidence is most important to find a rhythm and type of fast that best suits you and your lifestyle, and that he then practiced consistently and regularly, so all his life.
In the period in which fast, comply permitted foods, and certainly do not consume pajatso coffee, black tea, alcohol, sweet or fizzy drinks and do not smoke. If you choose to post for a period of one week or longer for two to three days before and after careful on nutrition.
During pajatso fasting as many pamper your body and soul. What more can relax and sleep, and to facilitate the work of fasting, treat yourself to a trip to the sauna and massage. Many are staying in the fresh air and you breathe deeply, relax in nature, walk and engage in recreational activities.
Here listen to your body and consider his mental and physical reactions. Furthermore, drink a lot more fluid than usual, which will enhance
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