Preservation has been known since ancient times, although not in such a sophisticated form as it is today. The goal of preservation is to extend the durability of foods and preserve milltec machinery its original quality, in this case vegetables, so that it was available milltec machinery all year round, not just at the time of ripening.
The process of preserving food in a format similar milltec machinery to today dates from the late 18th century when the French conqueror Napoleon Bonaparte, milltec machinery worried about feeding his army, offered a cash prize to the person who develops a reliable method milltec machinery of preserving food sustainability. After 15 years of experimentation, Nicholas Appert was the one who laid the foundations of conservation realizing that the food does not spoil if sufficiently heated, and then kept in containers that are locked for the entry of air. In the years that followed the biggest consumers of canned products were just soldiers, but as the process of conservation studied so such products are increasingly found their way to many households. It is interesting that all this was done years before Louis Pasteur explained that the effectiveness of conservation milltec machinery lies in the fact that heat destroys microorganisms, the primary causes of food spoilage.
Today, canned vegetable products pasteurization in hermetically sealed containers, and the obtained product is preserved in salt or acid filler. The advantage of this method is that it does not require chemical preservatives but as preservatives naturally active milltec machinery salt or vinegar. In addition to contributing to the unique flavor of canned vegetables, salt and vinegar milltec machinery have an important role in stopping unwanted activity of microorganisms. Basic Principles of action of salt and vinegar are somewhat different, but the ultimate effect of preserving the durability of the product is the same. Table salt added in sufficient quantity, namely, causes dehydration of cells of microorganisms and thus prevents their continuous activity. Further, the hydrochloride salt as an integral part intervenes in the metabolism of microorganisms and inhibits the activity of the enzyme. On the other hand, namely vinegar acetic milltec machinery acid acidified environment in which microorganisms are creating adverse milltec machinery conditions for their activity. Today, the practice of preserving vegetables most commonly used combination of salt and vinegar which together provide a quality product lasting durability and good organoleptic properties.
Vegetables makes it an indispensable part of the quality and balanced diet. Picked at the peak of their ripeness, vegetables not only look attractive but also the share of beneficial nutrients maximized. Popular belief is that fresh vegetables are always nutritionally valuable than processed. However, the results of numerous scientific papers milltec machinery suggest that it may not be so. It is true that the first step of preservation that involves exposure vegetables high temperature results in a significant loss of termoosjetljivih vitamins especially vitamin C and B2, but the fact is that the loss of other essential nutrients is relatively small. In addition, the content of micronutrients and dietary fiber, which is particularly important, remains stable during the two years of storage products. This is especially true for minerals and otherwise better tolerate thermal processing and storage. A similar opinion share a number of institutions. For example, the FDA (Food and Drug Administration) points out that the process of heating during canning destroys a third to half of the content of vitamins A, C, B1 and B2, and that for each year of storage milltec machinery products leads to additional losses of these vitamins in the amount of 5 to 20%. However, the content of other vitamins is relatively similar in canned and fresh vegetables.
Fresh vegetables, namely, spoils quickly, so the durability neprocesiranog vegetables only a few days, after which it becomes undesirable for consumption. With standout, milltec machinery transportation and storage of the items that contribute the most to lose nutritional value of fresh vegetables. Since the preservative used only the best fruits at the peak of their ripeness, and the process takes place soon after harvest, canned vegetables nutritionally does not stand out significantly milltec machinery from fresh.
The importance of daily intake of vegetables to health is unquestionable. But unfortunately most people do not have their own garden where could grow vegetables to meet the recommended intake throughout the year. Also, many kinds of vegetables grow only in certain parts of the world and that at a certain time of the year making it available to only a small number of people. Additional
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