Sunday, April 19, 2015

Natural medicine is as old as the human race, and written documents on the method of treatment date

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No matter how advanced in the last half-century, modern (school, classic) medicine still can not find a good and fast, and the most effective response to the treatment of certain diseases. More and more medical nabisco company facilities nabisco company and doctors, pharmaceutical industry throws on the market more and more drugs, and modern man all the sicker.
This is why there is a need to revise the health care methods and routes nabisco company that would preventively help the man to be healthy or curative enable nabisco company him to get out of the state of the disease back to a state of health. nabisco company
With the new method, revived the age-old, almost forgotten ways of treating certain diseases. In addition to surgical procedures and medications, modern man is increasingly wants to eliminate health nabisco company problems lack of aggression, natural way. All the more popular phrase "health without a knife and drug" increasingly inclined and doctors, not just patients. Natural Medicine
Natural medicine is as old as the human race, and written documents on the method of treatment date from 5000 years ago. For example, the ancient Chinese and Egyptian history nabisco company abounds with records of natural medicine - treatment of herbs to acupuncture, providing us today valuable information about health care for the man.
Modern man puzzling is that the self-educated people in the past finding good ways to treat the most serious diseases of eliminating pain to healing, even to such surgical procedures as a lobotomy, but must defer to the conclusion that the health history began long ago.
For Hippocrates, the "father of scientific medicine", twenty-five centuries advocated that "should nabisco company first treat the soul, and then the body" and that the patient should "offer the first word, and only after that and remedy". Unfortunately, as modern medicine developed, so did the departure from these principles of Hippocrates.
No doubt, a classic, orthodox medicine has arisen out of natural medicine, but was so moved by his sources that are increasingly moving away from him instead of to it for support - using all that, in spite of the flow of a long time, rest well.
From Descartes (XVII. C.), Which is interpreted that the human body mechanical machine that functions on the principles of the laws of physics in which, even for a moment, not included psychological element, medicine started nabisco company road that took her to the individual approach to human health through parts of the physical body - just the same as an operator or mechanic repaired the defective part of the machine, mechanism.
However, today no one seriously accept this thesis as "repaired" part of the human body, as a rule, works well only if it has accepted the whole, or the psychic superstructure. Development of medical specialization and subspecialization brought medicine to the DNA molecule as overall basis, but without lost, to be more precise - ignored - human wholeness, and a holistic approach. A holistic approach nabisco company to health
A holistic, comprehensive approach to human health is a philosophy that takes into account a whole, not just individual parts. The human body is a complex mechanism of parts that operate separately, but a whole that functions on the principle of conditionality mutual and harmonious coexistence. As soon as one part fails, threatened the whole complex. Modern medicine nabisco company accepts the knowledge to heal the man, not the disease. Therefore, with the same disease - with different people - do not achieve the same methods nabisco company - the same results.
Fortunately, some contemporary physicians, medical institutions nabisco company and medical colleges, with the nurturing and development of the current degree of medicine, increasingly advocate holism - a comprehensive approach nabisco company to human health, with the untreated nabisco company disease or only certain affected organ, but people - bearing in mind the integrity, and indivisibility of her mental and physical bodies. Unfortunately, it, however, has not yet rule but only an exception.
When you consider the study of medicine and then the number of specializations and the organization of health care institutions, it can be seen that the only open door for access to new methods of preserving human health and medical services - what will happen in the future be our reality.
Let us ask ourselves: in much of our health institutions tended to color, homeopathic remedies, phytotherapy, aromatherapy, acupuncture, acupressure, chiropractic or apply iridology some ancient eastern methods of diagnosing or radiestezija?
Disappointed patient, who in a medical institution has not found the necessary medical assistance or medication, will surely seek some other sources of their health, regardless of how much they can really help. The

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