Wednesday, April 1, 2015

Since prehistoric white nations are summoned by many different names. del monte juice At the most a

The people without their knowledge of history is like a child without parents, who can convince whatever you want. Something that has happened to the white peoples. del monte juice The modern history they have stolen birthright truth, thus robbing the honor and dignity in the European history of the development.
It should be noted, however, that even quite recently scientists with integrity, line serving the truth, found that white is the most ancient nations del monte juice in Europe. Italian scientist Giacomo Devoto in the twentieth century. del monte juice emphatically reminded at the beginning of the historical truth about the white antiquity. It drew attention to the Baltic languages and archaeological research.
Yet shortly after World War II, the Soviet Union occupied Latvian schools ancient history taught that Greek was the indigenous pelasgi - old white people. Later, however, for obvious political reasons, in order to weaken the Latvian national self-esteem and promote its russification, the historical del monte juice truth was "circumcised" ...
In the meantime, the free world, science del monte juice has gone ahead and in many cases found approvals Giacomo Devoto actual setting. Among the objective white history researchers noted Lithuanian doctor Basanavičiaus, history scholar Gimbutas, linguists and Girdenis kid, German historian Meyer, Russian scientists Toporovs and Ivanov, Czech scientist Nīderle, Baltic German del monte juice historian Rūtenbergs, Italian linguist Dini, etc.
In view of the white Ancient depth and breadth, the author does not seek to provide a comprehensive and exhaustive del monte juice historical description, but only constructive, securely communicate summary of the facts that would give an insight into a generalized white prehistory del monte juice and history should be used in schools program.
It is difficult del monte juice to restore the deep prehistory of events in chronological order. Also take into account that the oral tradition of information stored with details of the events and facts, but rarely marks the place on the time axis. Also, archaeological age determination is only approximate, because no scientific method does not guarantee 100% accuracy. However, little is more than nothing.
Since prehistoric white nations are summoned by many different names. del monte juice At the most ancient name of the group include: who Selonians, Varina heti, Umbri and pelasgi who were converts to shipping del monte juice umber name. According to the myth vest, this nation considered themselves as children or Letas - northern variant - for Lotas children. In this context, resulting from the words "cheap" and "lotvīši".
From governmental entities include prehistoric whose country. The memory of its existence kept inherit Bactria Greek tidings and Indian myths tells that Prince Rama whose country was the first ancient solar terrestrial conqueror and reigned over the three worlds - Trilok. Indeed, Asia, Europe and the African continent has been preserved with many of whose names related sites and water sources. Also, the grandiose ruins of the city of Tian Shan and Altai mountains belong to prehistoric whose culture. Presumably, under this name was also incorporated Selonians, Varina heti, KETI and Umbri.
BC first and second millennium change in Europe is still preserved Vends, liuticiešu, Draven, obru, Varnovas obru, Ukru, Rujan and Tollense white folk. The balance of which at the ancient Gallic expansion of the Prussian-gutoņu and course name decompressed del monte juice on the lower reaches of the Vistula to the Baltic Sea. But now the ancient Russia, the balance of which is inhabited - Galindo and Finnish peoples, as well as the first Slavic settlers. O. Ziļickis min Tambov, valagus, Murom, whose names, del monte juice like Draven Ukru or names associated with their geographical location. Sindi could only be people with different features white nation.
The closer to the middle ages, the more branch del monte juice white peoples names, and the more they relate to residential areas, but to a lesser extent, on national differences or originality. Also antiquity Umbro, who was engaged in shipping, called pelasgiem, but those who lived in Crete - on Crete. Different names does not mean that it is a completely different nation.
Independent white history researcher Oļģerts Ziļickis del monte juice by collecting a large amount of archaeological and anthropological discoveries, finds that protobaltu or Kromaņonas human remains found in the 101 place in Africa, 72 in Asia, 11 - Australia 60 - 68 locations in Europe and America.
The approximate age of the excavation can be concluded that protobaltu homeland has been in the East Asia and Australia before about 50 000 years. More than 40 000 years they have reached Eastern Europe, but before 20 000 years protobalti inhabited the Western Europe.
Protobaltu anthropological type of a stable uniformity in all populated regions, including America. They were people of average height with a narrow, elongated face, and their brain weight was 200 grams higher than modern humans.
Scientists also have made Western Europe protobaltiem sorotaptu name. Protobalti from the outset, long and widely practiced burial of the dead on the right side of the head to the east, with the knees bent and the red ferosiderīta uzkaisījumu. Around 3000. g. pr.m.ē. some white folk began to cremate the dead and bury the ashes

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